The Sugarplum Suite

Snow this is Festive...oh what have they done...

The Sugarplum Suite is a cyberpunk adventure module for sci-fi TTRPG players, intended for a single session.

Setting note: This adventure is set in Luridity, which features several non-human species. References can be replaced with the setting of your choice as needed.    

The Premise:

The characters all work for the same security firm. They are off-duty and enjoying the Festival of the Winter Moons, an event named a Must-See in the Luridity Tourism Authority guidebook for the 50th year running. This year's Festival Market is rather homespun and lacking its usual extravagance. Traditionally funds are provided by the Elite, but there are rumors that the Elite did not provide it this year in order to fund their own, massive, private banquet.   During the Festival the characters receive an offer for overtime from their security firm. After receiving the summons, characters discover that the general citizenry's mood shift is not going the direction the Elite had expected for the holiday, so the Elite are hiring the characters as security for their event, a banquet where "everyone Important" will be in attendance...

Character Creation

Players can select a character from the list available under Character Selection. They should also choose one Skill from under Character Skill. (Click the buttons to open each list.)

Character Selection

AnuraKynd Urban Defense Specialist

  Health: 12
  Attack: 3
  Defense: 5
  *Move Bonus: +2
AnuraKynd De-Escalation Specialist

  Health: 11
  Attack: 3
  Defense: 6
  *Move Bonus: +2
WolfKynd Merc

  Health: 14
  Attack: 4
  Defense: 4
  *Move Default: No Bonus
Birbiankin Hacker

  Health: 10
  Attack: 2
  Defense: 9
  *Move Bonus: +1
UrsaKynd Merc

  Health: 16
  Attack: 4
  Defense: 4
  *Move Penalty: -2
Serpentian Hacker

  Health: 15
  Attack: 5
  Defense: 3
  *Move Penalty: -1
CatKynd Negotiator

  Health: 14
  Attack: 4
  Defense: 3
  *Move Bonus: +1
*GM will determine if Move will be applicable to this game. If It is not, apply your Move bonus or penalty to one of the 3 main stats (Health, Attack, Defense). All characters have 22 points of stats.

Character Skill

Stats for this scenario include Health, Attack, and Defense. Premade characters and enemies have these stats provided. Players may choose 1 of the following skills prior to the start of the scenario:   URBAN NINJA:
You're a highly mobile parkour expert and know how to use the space to your advantage.
+1 Defense, +1 Attack   TALKIE TALKIE:
You know the secret to gaining the upperhand: chatter constantly until the enemy either explodes or listens just to shut you up.
Gain an extra attempt at a peaceful resolution before a battle begins. +2 Defense   HACKING SHIT:
You know the Net like the back of your hand--nevermind that you haven't noticed that scratch there before.
Gain a bonus attempt to manipulate networked devices. +1 Attack with electric weapons.   CYBERNETIC IMPLANT:
Cybernetic characters will receive special skills during the scenario.


If your GM chooses to use the battle mechanics and maps in this one-shot, the effects for Move, Range, and Additional Skill Bonuses will also apply.

Each player has a default Move available of 5. Before the scenario begins, players may choose to remove up to 2 points of Move to reallocate to Health, Attack, or Defense for their selected character. (So the lowest Move a character should have is 3, BEFORE the character stat bonus is added/subtracted.)   Obstacles on the map, such as trees, chairs, tables, and decor must be moved around and cannot be between attack targets. (See Urban Ninja Skill for an exception.)  
Range is determined by a player's Weapon, Armor, and Skill. (Weapons and Armor are obtained during the scenario and their stats are added to players base stats.)  
The player's elected Skill also gains the following benefit:   PARKOUR:
Obstacles are nothing to you.
+1 Move and can ignore map obstacles.   TALKIE TALKIE:
Because of your incessant yammering, enemies are keeping their distance.
They require 1 more Range to hit you.   HACKING SHIT:
You tinker with your weapon to make it cooler.
+1 Range to any weapon.   CYBERNETIC IMPLANT
(Cybernetic characters will receive Skills during the scenario.)
GM Tip: If The Sugarplum Suite is used for a side quest in a current campaign you can allow your players to use their characters, and either adapt system-applicable stats or utilize the mechanics in this adventure.






A TableTop Luridity Adventure


Unless other scenario-specific effects are active, the following rules apply.
  Initiative: Players (and GM, for enemies) roll a D20. Highest roll goes first, in descending order. (If ties occur, players go before enemies, and subsequent players to roll a number go after other players with the same number.) Initiative is the same during the scenario unless otherwise noted.
  Round: Players and enemies each get one turn per round. Once all turns are complete, a new round begins.
  At the Start of Each Turn: A D4 is rolled. The active player or enemy may add the total to either their Attack or Defense for the remainder of the round.
  Equipment: Weapons, Armor, and Cybernetic stats are added to character base stats. Additional effects may be present as stated on the item.
Attack vs. Defense:
  • Higher Defense blocks attack.
  • Higher Attack decreases opponent health by the difference.
  • Opponent at 0 is killed.
  • Player at 0 is knocked out.

*With Move/Range mechanics:
  • Range and Move are counted in a straight line or directly diagonal.
  • Players and enemies may move once per turn.
  • To attack, an enemy or player must be within Range.
  • Both attacker and target must not behind an Obstacle on the Map.
  *GM will determine if Move and Range mechanics and/or Maps will be applicable to this game.



OR DO YOU? >:)



GM Read Aloud
Your comm pings with a message from your handler at the security firm. "Hey, I know you're on holiday, but the bosses are calling a City-level emergency. Pay is triple and they've promised rich rewards to anyone who helps..." Your handler sighs. "Gods, that makes it sound optional. It isn't, okay? They're threatening to fire anyone who doesn't come in for the briefing. Should be a shuttle near you, and it looks like it's already boarding, so move it!"   There's a disturbance in the Festival Market as the comm message ends. A nearby citizen mutters something along the lines of "slaved all year for these entitled corporate shmucks and all we got was this damn snow".
  The players need to arrive at their security firm. Once there, continue with THE BRIEFING. Click the GM ONLY button below to see the notes for this section.    
>>If the players choose to investigate the complaint before getting on the shuttle, they will learn that the contributions usually reserved for charitable missions and Festival extravagance have been spent on fake snow that the Elites believe will lift everyone's moods for the festival. If the mood they wanted to invoke was rage, they succeeded, because no one is happy now. They may miss the shuttle. Another shuttle will arrive, which the characters see other security office coworkers boarding.   >>The characters can witness a threatening broadcast: A RatKynd appears on every comm screen in the area. "Every year, the Festival provides food to hundreds of thousands of locals to get them through the hydroponics downcycles. This year, you decided to forgo this assistance and flaunt your wealth in secret Elite gatherings. We gave you time to correct this injustice, and instead you gave us...SNOW??!? Snow won't feed our families, but even with empty bellies, my brothers and sisters are strong enough to make you pay!"   >>If they delay too long in the Festival Market they may learn that ratkynd are disappearing from all over the city, being taken away in unmarked skiffs. They receive a followup comm message: "What are you DOING? They won't just fire YOU, they will fire ME if I don't get your ass to this meeting! I will haul you in myself if I have to!" If they received that comm message, they will be late to the meeting and will receive a penalty from their handler at the end of the mission.


Arriving at the briefing, the players find the room is packed wall to wall with security officers of every species and skill. The human owner of the company themself, a grizzled former mercenary with a permanent scowl due to battle scars, is standing at the front of the room on a makeshift raised platform of office desks. They announce the situation to everyone: "Apparently some rich snobs want to throw a party for the season. They've gotten some threats from former employees so they're looking to boost security for their private banquet. You will be assigned in teams to defend all entrances to the banquet hall. We need at least half of you to volunteer or we'll start assigning you." Quiet arguments break out around the room.   After this is resolved, the characters are given the directive to prevent all threats to this gathering of greedy Elites, with the promise of rich rewards at the end of the night. The players move on to the SUGARPLUM SUITE.   Click the GM ONLY button below for notes for this section.  
>>If characters volunteer, they will be told to get equipment from the Armory, and they will have their pick of the security firm's offerings. Stats and additional bonuses from equipment are added to the character's base stats. Each character may choose one Weapon and one Armor from the equipment tables provided in this scenario. Characters who selected a Cybernetic Implant instead of a Skill at the beginning of the scenario may ALSO choose a Booster from the table provided.   >>If the characters choose to talk or listen to others in the room instead of volunteering they will learn some backstory:
A Ratkynd woman dressed in rags, "saved" an Elite woman from a terrible fall after her vehicle "malfunctions" (the ratkynd children hacked it and forced it to fail). She tricked human Elite woman into giving her and her seven children food because they are starving--gee, food instead of fake snow would have been nice. The Elite let them in to the dining room and opened the pantry, only for them to knock her out and take everything--the food, the jewelry, the tech, everything not nailed down but not immediately noticeable as missing.   The food was intended for the Elite's banquet. When the woman came to, the first thing she saw was the empty pantry, and so that is what she reported to her husband. He was enraged and put out a bounty for ratkynd in possession of unusual amounts of food, while arrangements were made to host the banquet elsewhere. It was soon discovered that more than food went missing, and the all-points bulletin placed to track down the ratkynd thieves became a full-fledged bounty. ALL ratkynd were suspects and ordered to be brought in for questioning.   The characters may then be assigned to a security team and signed out the following equipment left behind in the Armory. Stats and additional bonuses from equipment are added to the character's base stats. 2 of each item below is provided. Only 1 weapon and 1 armor may be distributed for each character:
**Laser Pistol
+3 Attack, *Range 2-3   Diamondsteel Dagger
+4 Attack, *Range 1   **Obnoxious Holiday Hat with Rapidly Blinking Lights
At the beginning of turn, skips turn of the nearest enemy who has not yet gone this round.   Flak Jacket
Overclocked Teamwork Booster
Predictive software at its finest, working on all your creaky metal and computronic bits to the advantage of your squad. This hyperbooster may be used with a selected player *within Range 1-5. Your Attack and Defense totals can be added to that player's totals during the round.   ***Overclock is not an available skill if characters went to the Armory.  


The players arrive at the main hallway of the Sugarplum Suite, where doors leading into the ballroom are under their guardianship. The feast has already begun. Not a hint of merriment can be heard through the soundproofed walls and doors, however the place is glistening with cheery lights and gaudy holiday decor. There is no mistaking the location of the Elite event, nor their hand in the glitz of the hallway. To the right of the ballroom doors is a far less remarkable door labeled "Network Access".  
The Sugarplum Suite Secured Hallway
The players were hired to lock down this hallway in order to protect a banquet of high profile elite citizenry from RatKynd who aren't pleased that the Elite are inside, selfishly throwing an extravagant holiday feast for themselves while the rest of the citizens go hungry during the Festival of the Winter Moons.
  It isn't long before they are approached by seven RatKynd demanding entrance. The RatKynd don't immediately attack and seem open to conversation, but they do warn that they will attack if necessary. They may try to turn the characters against the Elite, attempting to convince the characters to allow them through or even attempting to get the characters to hack into the Elite systems. Of course, the characters do have their standing orders--with rich rewards promised--to remove all disruptions.... What will the characters do?   Click the GM ONLY button for notes on this section.  
The characters may be sympathetic to either the ratkynd or the Elite, and so they can kill the ratkynd who approach, make deals with them, instruct them to pretend to be dead, or simply allow them through so they can enact their plans.   >>If players choose to kill the RatKynd, begin the RATKYND ARMY OPTIONAL BATTLE. GM, click the button to reveal enemy stats and any instructions needed.  
Battle Mechanics are listed in the sidebar of this article. Player characters will be versus 7 RatKynd.  
RatKynd Brawlers

A fast-moving swarm of RatKynd. Where are they all coming from? Feels like when you take down one, another appears in their place!
  Health: 11
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 5
  *Move: 8
  *Range: 1
  Enemy Bonus: Health rebounds to 11 after hitting 0 the first time. Only applies when fighting player characters.
  >>If players lose to the RatKynd, the banquet will be ruined and the characters will be blacklisted against the Elites, and bounty hunters will be looking for them. Proceed to BOUNTY HUNTER FINAL BATTLE under the GM notes for the RAT KING section of this scenario.   >>If players kill the RatKynd the bodies will be carted off by other security officers. Players have their health restored by convenient company stim packs. The Rat Queen--the defeated rats' mother--will arrive, enraged, and seek revenge against the players. Proceed to the RAT QUEEN OPTIONAL BATTLE.
  >>If players convince the RatKynd to pretend to be dead their death-posed bodies will be carted off by other security officers. The Rat Queen--the "defeated" rats' mother--will arrive, enraged, and seek revenge against the players. See the RAT QUEEN OPTIONAL BATTLE.   >>If they allow the RatKynd through, the banquet will be ruined and the characters will be blacklisted against the Elites, and bounty hunters will be looking for them. Proceed to BOUNTY HUNTER FINAL BATTLE under the GM notes for the RAT KING section of this scenario.   >>If they make a deal with the RatKynd, they will be asked to install spyware on the Elite's devices, which the RatKynd want to use to redistribute wealth across the planet and the spirit of the Giving season. The players will need to complete this task if they want to seek this outcome. GM, click the button to see the instructions for this test.   WE'RE HACKING THE ELITES
Success requires sneaking into the room adjoining the banquet hall and succeeding in the following challenges:
  • Break In: Door is sturdy, and you only get one shot at this. +10 Door Health, must be delivered in a single attack. (If a Cybernetic character is present they may augment the attack. If a Hacking Shit character is present, door keypad may be unlocked automatically.)
  • Hack In: A console is present inside the room. There are no guards...presumably because the characters were the ones who were guarding it in the first place. If a Hacking Shit character makes the first attempt, Console has +20 Health. Otherwise: +30 Console Health. Players may attack as if in combat, and assume an automatic success for each attack until Console Health is 0. After each player's turn the Console will shock its attacker. This reflects 1 damage directly to the attacking player's health. There will not be time for players to heal following this event, so any damage inflicted on a character remains for any subsequent battle.
  • Install: Simple enough, stick the chip from the RatKynd into the machine and make it go. If a Hacking Shit character makes the first attempt, Console has +20 Health. Otherwise, the same instructions as "Hack In" apply, except the damage from the console is done to the chip. +7 Chip Health. If the chip takes all 7 damage, the players fail.
  • If all three tests are passed, players Escape back into the hallway, no one notices their actions.
  >>If they fail at any test stage they are caught and they will be blacklisted and targeted by bounty hunters. Proceed to BOUNTY HUNTER FINAL BATTLE under the GM notes for the RAT KING section of this scenario.
  >>If they succeed at all test stages, they could still fight alongside the Elites (RAT KING AND RAT QUEEN FINAL BATTLE), or fight alongside the RatKynd (BOUNTY HUNTER FINAL BATTLE)...or to avoid the battle altogether by convincing the two sides to make peace.
Battle Mechanics are listed in the sidebar of this article. Player characters will be versus the Rat Queen. Special mechanics for the Rat Queen are detailed below.  
Rat Queen

She's faster than you expected and twice as mean. And what's that in her hand?
  Health: 42
  Attack: 10
  Defense: 9
  *Move: 6
  *Range: 1
  Enemy Bonus: Rat Queen has a range of 1. Initially, her Attack to an adjacent opponent does not apply damage. Instead, upon defeating opponent's Defense, Rat Queen applies a device to the adjacent character (See TRANSFORMATION status effect). Only once a device is active may her subsequent turns against that character apply damage as usual.
  TRANSFORMATION: If the Queen beats the character's Defense, she infects them with a neural device. The character will believe they are being transformed into an "inanimate doll". The character is immobile and unable to contribute to the rest of the fight, however they may still be targeted with an Attack and automatically defend with their default Defense stat. Transformation can be reversed after the battle as the implant is surgically removed.   >>If all players lose, they will wake up several hours later, having been rushed into surgery and be thrust back in to provide security again, this time for the King's visit--the Elite want the players to protect their wealth at all costs. The Queen is NOT dead, and the final battle will be RAT KING AND RAT QUEEN FINAL BATTLE.   >>If they win, the Elites will REWARD them and any player turned into a nutcracker will undergo emergency surgery.  
REWARD: Each character with TRANSFORMATION has surgery and afterward receives the Transformation Device that was used on them. Their devices appears to still be operational and is added to the character's equipment. From the Elite, they receive triple their usual pay and bags of rich, decadent--LEFTOVER--food from the courses completed so far at the banquet. Richly rewarded indeed!



Regardless of player choices, at the end of the night the Rat King, a RatKynd man representing the family of the thieves, will arrive to attempt to make a deal with the Elites. He wants them to recall the meaning of the festival and share their wealth, like they usually do, and for future years to recall that attempts to placate the populace with snow can have greater consequences--and some of the locals aren't picky about where their meat comes from.   GM: IN THE UNLIKELY EVENT OF HARMONY
This encounter will result in peace only if the players made a deal with the RatKynd and take the opportunity to attempt diplomacy (by, say, successfully delivering a grand speech about the Giving holidays). GM discretion as to whether or not the players are successful at the attempt.
  If no peace can be wrought--if any RatKynd were killed or if the players were blacklisted by Bounty Hunters--there is a final battle.   GM, click the button to review the instructions for the FINAL BATTLE for BOUNTY HUNTER, RAT QUEEN AND RAT KING, or RAT KING depending on the adventure outcome.  
The Sugarplum Suite Banquet Hall
The ballroom where the Elite held their controversial event is scattered with hazards: chairs, tables, and spilled remains of a decadent holiday feast.
Battle Mechanics are listed in the sidebar of this article. One of the following battles will take place:  
If the characters have had a bounty placed on them, they will be dragged into this battle due to the Elite's hired bounty hunters arriving to close ranks. Whether willing or not, they will be fighting on the side of the RatKynd, against the Elite.
  Players will be versus 10 Bounty Hunters, but the players will also have the assistance of 4 RatKynd Brawlers and the Rat King.  
Bounty Hunters

The Elites had more than your security team on the payroll. It looks like they saved the best gear for them, and that they're on some hardy stims.
  Health: 22
  Attack: 7
  Defense: 7
  *Move: 5
  *Range: 2-3
RatKynd Brawlers

A fast-moving swarm of RatKynd. Where are they all coming from? Feels like when you take down one, another appears in their place!
  Health: 11
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 5
  *Move: 8
  *Range: 1
  Enemy Bonus: Health rebounds to 11 after hitting 0 the first time. Only applies when fighting player characters.
The Rat King

He's tried talking, but the results are less than ideal. Still, he's on the defensive!
  Health: 42
  Attack: 8
  Defense: 14
  *Move: 5
  *Range: 1
If the Rat Queen won her battle, the players will participate in a final battle against both heads of household. Players will face the Rat King, the Rat Queen, and 4 RatKynd Brawlers.  
RatKynd Brawlers

A fast-moving swarm of RatKynd. Where are they all coming from? Feels like when you take down one, another appears in their place!
  Health: 11
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 5
  *Move: 8
  *Range: 1
  Enemy Bonus: Health rebounds to 11 after hitting 0 the first time. Only applies when fighting player characters.
The Rat King

He's tried talking, but the results are less than ideal. Still, he's on the defensive!
  Health: 42
  Attack: 8
  Defense: 14
  *Move: 5
  *Range: 1
Tired Rat Queen

She's looking a little winded from your previous battle.
  Health: 42
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 9
  *Move: 6
  *Range: 1
SPECIAL RULES: Players cannot undergo TRANSFORMATION by the Rat Queen during this battle at first, and her Attack is normal. It is noticably weaker as well, as she has already battled once today. If the players have devices to use, the device effects are not revealed until AFTER the players attempt to use the devices:  
  • Players can attempt to use the devices against both the Rat Queen and the Rat King. The attempt is automatically successful.
  • On the Rat King, the device will be too strong. The Rat King will TRANSFORM AND DIE instantly. If the Queen is still alive when this occurs, her grief and rage gives her a +2 to Attack.
  • Against the Rat Queen, the device does not work. The Rat Queen will now have one of her devices back, and she will attempt TRANSFORMATION on adjacent characters until she is again out of devices. Her attacks will always be normal against already transformed characters.
  • If the Queen has a device and her Attack is stronger than her target's Defense, the player's character will be transformed. Any character transformed in this battle will be permanently granted a belief that they are an inanimate nutcracker doll, regardless if/when the implant is removed. The transformed character can continue to fight in this battle with the following changes: Initiative drops to last. The character is less susceptible to noticing physical damage, despite injuries, which will keep them fighting until the heads of household are both dead, even if the character's health has dropped to 0.
  GM, in the event that only transformed characters remain standing during this encounter and/or no individual can overcome the Defense of the remaining enemies, feel free to improvise. Here are some ideas:
  • Give a party attack bonus for teamwork (as a Toy Army).
  • Introduce the young daughter of one of the Elites, CLARA, who throws one of her shoes to instantly fell the enemy (inspired by The Nutcracker Suite, which some of this scenario references!).
  • Let the enemy win!
If players killed the Rat Queen before this part of the adventure, the Rat King will become enraged upon seeing them, and the players will participate in a final battle, defending the Elites against the wrath of the Rat King. Success, according to the Elites, will bring them great fortune.
  If any of the players were "transformed" during the Queen battle, they now have 1-4 devices they can use on the King (one for each player transformed)--using one on him will be too strong and cause his immediate TRANSFORMATION AND DEATH.
  Players will be up against 4 RatKynd Brawlers and the Rat King.  
RatKynd Brawlers

A fast-moving swarm of RatKynd. Where are they all coming from? Feels like when you take down one, another appears in their place!
  Health: 11
  Attack: 6
  Defense: 5
  *Move: 8
  *Range: 1
  Enemy Bonus: Health rebounds to 11 after hitting 0 the first time. Only applies when fighting player characters.
The Rat King

He's tried talking, but the results are less than ideal. Still, he's on the defensive!
  Health: 42
  Attack: 8
  Defense: 14
  *Move: 5
  *Range: 1

After any of the final battles, if any player received enough damage to die, even surgery cannot save them.   TIP: Do not worry, the corporation provides an all-expenses-paid funeral for all security officers lost in the line of duty. Per the standard employment contract, immediate family will be responsible for the deceased's entitlements, which include their overtime pay for the night minus the expenses for collateral damages and any existing debt. If no next of kin is determined, the benefits, and/or remaining expenses, will be shared between members of the deceased's employment facility and neighbors equally.


When the dust settles, do the players face the victors, or did they defeat their enemies? Are any left alive, and if so, are they rewarded for their efforts, or......   GM, click the button to check for the conditions that match the FINAL BATTLE outcomes.  
>>If the players fought the Bounty Hunters, the RatKynd win and Elites will be spooked. The Elites will immediately pay for the Festival to be extended and will make charitable donations of double the usual quantities. The players' bounties will be dissolved, however no other rewards are given from the Elites. The players will receive a small amount of scrap metal from the RatKynd in the form of knick-knacks they pilfered from the Elite's house that morning.
    >>If the players fought the RatKynd and won, any survivors will be thanked by the Elite and granted the following rewards: In addition to triple their pay for overtime and leftovers, they will receive snowmaker machines for their own personal use and enjoyment.
GM Note: Continuing the Adventure: No, snow isn't edible, but machines at least have parts that can be sold off for scrap...and chips that can be reprogrammed for other purposes. Perhaps someone is around the Festival Market who might have a use for them... Oh, and don't forget, if the players were late to their security briefing, a portion of their reward will need to be paid to their handler due to the extra efforts required to get them to the office--you can bet their handler won't let that slide!
    >>If the ratkynd had only pretended to be dead, they will return at the end of the adventure as they discover that the two headpeople of their family line have been killed despite the players' attempts to resolve things. They will be sad, but understanding. The players will receive a moderate amount of scrap metal from the RatKynd in the form of knick-knacks they pilfered from the Elite's house that morning, as well in gratitude for sparing their lives.
    GM Tip: If you'd like to extend the adventure, you can allow the players to first enjoy the sights and sounds of the Festival of the Winter Moons! Click the spoiler button below for tips on incorporating it as a playful seasonal session.  
GM ONLY: Festival Market Add-On
Before the Adventure The Festival of the Winter Moons Market is thriving, though the selections aren't great. Stores and neon lights spill out onto the street, market stands are cobbled together in every nook and cranny of the city proper. During the Festival, you can implement holiday themed games of skill, gift shopping, even social roleplaying. There is a general unrest regarding the lack of funds provided by the wealthiest citizens to make the event better, but people seem to be making the most of it.   As the players explore the Festival Market, various things may be reported on the local Vid screens or overheard as rumors. They should be shared in escalating order:
  • Near-fatal vehicular accident: A RatKynd has rescued one of the Elite from the devastated wreckage of their vehicle, only moments before it exploded! Reports say the Elite woman is grateful and will richly reward her RatKynd rescuer.
  • General Alert Bulletin: This just in, citizens should be on the lookout for a RatKynd woman and her seven children, who attacked an Elite woman and stole food from an Elite estate this afternoon.
  • Security Bounty: A bounty is released, looking for RatKynd thieves who have stolen food.
  • Security Bounty: A bounty is increased, looking for RatKynd thieves who have stolen valuable goods and made further threats against the Elite.
  • It begins to snow.
  The players will receive the job offer after these escalations. (GM can also include the "System Override: The RatKynd present a threatening warning over the comm devices in the area." here, before the security job offer comes in, if preferred.)   After the Adventure Instead of before (or perhaps both, if your players are inclined), in the aftermath of the Final Battle, you can allow the players to indulge in the more extravagant version of the market. Better goods and food should be available, as well as more elaborately decorated contests with actual prizes. Tourists will be out in force, and it will be a good time to overhear some rumors about other worlds in the star system and perhaps future possible adventures, rather than just the general unrest of before.
GM Note: Extending the Adventure: If there is still time and the Festival Market wasn't used as a prologue to the adventure, it can be used as an afterward! If the players were able to benefit the citizenry, the shopfolk might be grateful...


Author's Notes

This was a lot of work but I loved every bit of it :D I hope you enjoy, and get some inspiration for your next TableTop adventure! And if you bring The Sugarplum Suite to your table, let me know how it goes! I'd love to hear about your experience, and I want to be able to THANK YOU FOR PLAYING! Oh, aaaaalso....let me know if you'd like to play this as a CYOE (Choose Your Own Ending)...I have some gifs that I would love to add in :D (IF YOU WANT IT, THEN IT WILL BE COMING SOON)   AUTHOR'S NOTE: I created all character images for this one-shot using Midjourney and Canva.
AUTHOR'S NOTE 2: All maps are created with Dungeon Fog, using elements from Dungeon Fog, Caora and licensed items from Justin Andrew Mason.

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Jun 10, 2024 16:53 by Marjorie Ariel

Well thought out! I love the Nutcracker references (though I must admit, it wasn't until I first read the word "nutcracker," that I put two and two together. :P)

Jun 26, 2024 01:21 by Dani

Thank you so much! It was fun to figure out how to get little bits of the more traditional tale incorporated into a cyberpunk scenario. Tried to get just enough reference to make it worth it to folks who would recognize it but not enough to take over. But if I ever upgrade this to a choose-your-own piece, then Clara will definitely make an appearance lol :D

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
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