Revnee Seelon Character in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Revnee Seelon

Revnee is perhaps most known for serving as general in the War of the Dunes and being the first to serve with a focus on magic and extra-planar activities. He even led several strikes into the Abyss and the Nine Hells. His strategies were often unorthodox, but when fighting devils and demons this was likely one of his most important talents.  
If you are merely fighting for your life, you have forgotten to protect your soul.
— Revnee Seelon

Mental characteristics


As a noble, Revnee was treated by excellent education in many subjects, and he excelled in many. He also combined an interest in magic with that of martial combat in an unusual way. He insisted that the two were the same.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his talents, Revnee was demoted in rank twice due to disobedience. He often focused more on getting the job done than doing it in any traditional way. This, of course, sometimes led to complications as his actions interfered with a grander scheme. Only when he started to focus on the big picture did he rise properly in the ranks.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely driven to the point that others sometimes worried about his health, Revnee truly believed that any obstacle could be overcome as long as you figured out the trick. He had a hard time respecting those who simply gave up in the face of challenge. Accepting that you don't know the solution yet is one thing, declaring it impossible another.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
170 SR 259 SR 89 years old
Dark green
Black in a short braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dusty, dark, brown
175 cm
Aligned Organization


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