Hillen's Song

Estonian Version

Püha järvel vapper ema,
suri paadil noorelt ta.
Emast alles jäi siis tema,
väike poeg hüljatud.
Vanataat ei tahtnud näha,
laps ju võttnud tütre talt.
Kirijk siis ruttas appi,
päästis taadi vihast poja.

:,: Oh elagu järve poeg,
elagu armas Jumal.
Käes on õige aeg,
peita lihtsalt rumal! :,:

Väiksest poisist sirgus mees,
uues peres elas rahus.
Aga sees tal siiski kees,
sõda lähenes ju idast.
Pagulased tänaval,
ainult vestlesid vihast.
Järveäär tal pakkus nõu,
Jumal näitas talle teed.

:,: Oh elagu järve poeg,
elagu armas Jumal.
Käes on õige aeg,
peita lihtsalt rumal! :,:

Üks hommik teatas Hillen,
aeg on käes tõuskem võitluseks!
Mehed valmis et kaitsta kalleim,
püha kodumaa ja pere.
Mitu aastat möödus seest,
palju neist langes teel.
Viimaks jõudsid mäele,
ja kiirgas kivist kuld.

:,: Oh tõuse järve poeg,
tõuse võimas pühak.
Käes on õige aeg,
lõppend se pikk rünnak! :,:

Literal Translation

On the holy lake a brave woman,
on a boat she died young.
All that's left of the mother is he,
a small abandoned son.
The grandfather refused to see,
for the child had taken his daughter.
The kirijk rushed in to assist,
saved the son from the man's fury.

:,: Oh long live, son of the lake,
long live dear god.
The proper time is now,
to hide is just foolish! :,:

From the small boy grew a man,
in his new family he lived in peace.
Still, his feelings boiled inside,
for the war approached from the east.
Refugees on the streets,
just talked about their anger.
The side of the lake offered advice,
God showed him the way.

:,: Oh long live, son of the lake,
long live dear god.
The proper time is now,
to hide is just foolish! :,:

One morning Hillen declared,
It's time to rise up and fight!.
Men ready to defend what's dear,
holy homeland and family.
Many years passed since then,
many of them fell on the way.
Finally, they reached the mountains,
and from a rock radiated gold

:,: Oh long live, son of the lake,
rise mighty saint.
The proper time is now,
the long invasion has ended! :,:

Cover image: by Tom Gainor


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