The Wolf Collaborate
"How successful have you been, standing alone? How many victories do you celebrate? Or do you mourn the abundance of dead? One victory among a thousand defeats is not the start of further success, but an excuse for a sad continuation of failure. If we expect different outcomes from doing the exact same things that have led to defeat, our delusions will end our rebellions as surely as the Dentherions."
--Alaric, letter to the rebel leaders
The Wolf Collaborate is an alliance of individual Dentherion Empire rebellions, fourteen in total. While the peoples may not have much in common culturally, the hatred of Dentheria unifies them.
The Shale Alliance
by Shanda Nelson
The Skulls
Dentheria, high from their easy success in Shaloar, marched across country after country, defeating armies and slaughtering ruling classes to make the remaining people more malleable to their rule. The Lord's Council decided to call the countries they conquered vassal states and created strict guidelines about what kind of technology each could possess. They placed this tech in the hands of the puppet rulers and a small number of their supporters and made it illegal for any others to utilize it.
The guidelines had unintended consequences; countries were stripped of the technology they already had, which affected every aspect of life. From medicine to farming, from communications to transportation, occupied peoples could no longer access that which once made life easier and safer. No motorized vehicles. No wired communications. Obliterating the farming equipment, medical tech and advanced medicines caused special harm, and death rates in general populations rose dramatically. The Lord's Council turned its back on the suffering because suffering people had more than rebellion on their minds.
Ramira saw their population fall by a fourth. Furious at the lack of compassion and empathy, the elders of the Meint religion created The Skulls, a group intent on killing a Dentherion for every Ramiran citizen that fell to neglect. They stole explosives used in mining and set to work. They caused havoc at military outposts and Dentherion-friendly businesses, and managed to pilfer a bit of tech in the process.
Their success led to Hestoran rebels mimicking the same tactics. They annihilated the central Dentherion military outpost in Hestora. In response, Dentheria began a ruthless extermination of everyone they considered hostile to their rule, but managed to murder more innocents than rebels. This only exacerbated the discontent with their empire.
by Shanda Nelson
by Shanda Nelson; vehicle jazella on
Subsequent rebellions in other countries followed either the more muted Shale Alliance tactics or The Skulls deadlier approach. Neither suited the Dentherions. In an overwhelming show of strength, the renowned and malicious General Malk mounted an assault on the Ramiran Skulls 150 years to the day after they first conquered the country. Malk thought to crush them and therefore their influence on other rebellions. Instead, the Dentherions suffered a staggering defeat after chasing a group of Skulls into a marshland they had not mapped. Everything sank into the mire. They lost men, tech, and their sense of superiority; Ramira shrugged off a bit of their control.
by Shanda Nelson
The Wolf Collaborate
The first meeting of the various rebel groups accomplished one thing; their name. They chose The Wolf Collaborate, to represent their intent on hounding the Dentherions out of their respective countries. While the groups squabbled among themselves about whom should have more sway in the new collaborate, all eventually looked to Alaric for leadership. He and his advisors implemented the standards for information and resource sharing, which helped bring success to all territory rebellions. With his guidance, a network of scouts and thieves began to steal information and tech secrets directly from the Dentherions and their allied rulers. Rebel raids became fruitful, and fewer of their number fell while completing missions.
Two major victories proved Alaric's vision worked. The first victory came shortly after the Collaborate's creation. Rebels cleaned out, then blew up, the Weapons Palace in Hestora, a hub for tech distribution throughout the empire. In the second, a combined effort by Jilvayna and Abastion rebels annihilated the Hellock Transportation Base in Jilvayna, where a great deal of military equipment was stored.
The Collaborate took a hard blow when the Jilvayna puppet king caught wind of Alaric's dealings and killed him and his family. His son, Faelan, who survived by not being at home that day, took the reins of leadership. Not all rebels found the idea of an eighteen-year-old Leader encouraging, but when the remnants of Jilvayna's ruling family promoted him, the other groups fell in line, however reluctantly. The most reticent demanded the creation of a ruling body, one that did not rely on any single person to manage things. They named this council "The Pack".
The Pack agreed upon two main governing rules: never have all leaders present during any particular meeting, and provide information and resources when a legitimate request was made. Physical information and resources, as well as the leaders' meeting place, found a home within a Meint temple complex sequestered in a woodland outside the Rimeran city of Qest. The Skulls jealously guard it.
by Shanda Nelson
Current Events
The Collaborate's successes have gained notoriety in Dentheria. The media covers rebel events with glee because those stories sell papers. The idea of untechnological underdogs somehow managing to defeat the superior Dentherion armed forces and their puppet kings is riveting, mainly because the Dentherion people do not consider the rebels true threats to their own lives. Many are unaware of, or feign ignorance of, the conditions in the vassal states that have led to the insurgency, and neither the press nor the government are eager to enlighten them.
Not all find the current situation amusing; some Dentherions believe it shameful for their country to rule over other countries in such a depraved manner. Money is not the end-all, as the Lord's Council declares. These Dentherions wish to form an alliance with the Wolf Collaborate, hoping to support the rebellions in their bids to break away from Dentheria. They offer something that will sweeten any potential deal—access to weapons tech and instruction on how to use it.
Understandably, rebel suspicion concerning Dentherion motives is high. Aggressive meetings over the need for such an alliance have ended in hard feelings and distrust among the Collaborate members. Some believe this is the intent, but others declare those seeking an alliance only wish to right the past wrongs their people have wrought. It is a precarious situation, and a favorable outcome is not assured.
Wolf Collaborate Timeline
Again, I find the emblem amazing, the details within it are just amazing and the symbolism is top nuch.
Creator of the world Special Agent
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