Bothe Rora

Bothe Rora

Bothe is the current Mayor of Rora, City of and the country of Rora. Boethe is an unassuming and unimpressive gentleman. He is tall, close to six foot four inches, he weighs close to 180 pounds. Thin and pale, there is nothing physically that will bring anyone's gaze towards him other than his height. Graying in his 47th year of life, Bothe was the best choice to succeed his father as mayor. Both his younger sister and younger brother had very little going on in the brains department. His sister never finished her studies and spent all of her time playing dress up with her maids until she eventually wed one of the members of the Board. His brother on the other hand spent all of his time playing soldier with the town guard and the army, where he remains to this day as a lowly corporal.   Bothe never wanted to be Mayor, but he did study as much as necessary, and he did network with the advisors throughout the city. Not being one to play politics of any sort, Bothe does not dodge politics but plows through them often leaving messes in his wake. The advisors spend much of their time cleaning up after the words and actions of the Mayor. However, he is not a bad decision maker. Bothe listens to all of this advisors and makes relevant and appropriate choices.   Bothe is married to Estelle Rora and have a daughter Aillianna Rora with her. Unlike her parents, Aillianna is studius, charming, attractive, witty, brilliant, and has an amazing talent for spycraft and intelligence. As such, she studied hard in these areas with the Roran masters, and is the spymaster for Rora in Grayton's Lot, where she spies on all of the happenings in that area and coordinates intelligence in that area.   Boethe plans on handing over duties to his daughter in the next five to ten years, and earlier if she agrees to it. He wants to return to his own interests of hunting and exploring if he gets a chance.


Bothe Rora


Towards Estelle Rora

Estelle Rora


Towards Bothe Rora

Estelle Rora (spouse)
Ruled Locations

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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