Estelle Rora

Estelle Rora

Estelle Rora is an aristorcrat in the city of Rora and is married to the Mayor. Originally of the Caeste family, she married at the age of 18 in an arranged marriage which has since become a courtship of platonic and romantic love with Bothe.   She is a 44 year old human of 5'4" inches and about 115 pounds. Her hair is a sandy blond and her light complexion prevents her from spending as much time outdoors as she would like. She dresses appropriate to her station.   Although of great wealth, she is not overly fond of large parties, instead seeing them as a waste of money. Regardless, she does throw two balls each year for the Roran aristocrats. The rest of the time, she can be found working on projects for the city of Rora, particularly as a high level project manager and organizer. While this task is well below her station, she excels at the work and enjoys doing it. As such her apathetic husband allows her to do the work. In a few cases, Estelle has been found dressed in her court finery while on a work site trying to solve whatever major problem has arrisen. This normally raises many eyebrows, and often times sneers behind her back by the gentry.   Frequently she rides horses with other ladies of the court, and is particullary fond of her prized stallion, Blackstuff. Blackstuff gets his name from the strange puffy long black hair on his knees. Estelle has worked with the horse for seven years and the two have become good friends and work well together.   Estelle Rora is married to Bothe Rora and the mother of Aillianna Rora.


Bothe Rora


Towards Estelle Rora

Estelle Rora


Towards Bothe Rora

Bothe Rora (spouse)

Cover image: by Elena Ivashchenko


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