Isekai Challenge of the Lake

Isekai has started its grand restructuring! Please bear with us as things move around and get situated in their new home.
Names are also in the process of changing, so some names are inconsistent currently.

Challenge of the Lake

Cultural event

503,000 IM

Once the many races of Giants established themselves across the world, many began to fight amongst themselves. It was determined that a challenge would be held to establish a Hierarchy upon which the Kingdom of Giants would be built.   The strongest of each race of Giants traveled to Lake Idryl where the challenge was to skip a large piece of shale across the surface of the lake for the longest distance. Each representative of the eight races of Giants attempted the challenge, with clear winners and losers being determined.   The Hierarchy was established with Storm Giants residing above Cloud Giants, Cloud Giants above Fire Giants, Fire Giants above Ice Giants, Ice Giants above Stone Giants, Stone Giants above Hill Giants, and Hill Giants above all other kin, the Clay Giants and the Leaf Giants.

Related Location
Lake Idryl
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