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Brostia is the large island continent in the North East of Atharia. It has been ruled by Queen Saphielle for 2 years, after her father King Folwin died from illness. The land houses about one million Brostians, as was counted during the last census known as the Head Count.  


Much like the rest of Atharia, the landscape of the continent is covered with vastly open greenlands, rolling hills and large, sprawling mountains.  







The Decade of Darkness

In the Decade of Darkness, many Brostians would claim that Brostia was effected the most, as they also say it contained most of the Rifts which the Dominions of the Night World spewed out of. */
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The Queendom of Brostia is divided into 4 Duchies; North Brostia, South Brostia, the Lowlands and the Highlands.  


The Lowlands is where the captial city of the Queendom, Brosfellton, resides. This is the largest city of the realm and is the central trading hub of Brostia. The lowlands also contain the island of Appley, which is most famous for it apple industry.   Goto the Lowlands  


The Highlands, as the name suggests, is the land which contains the highest points of the island; as well as the highest mountain Mount Zannoth.  

North Brostia

North Brostia  

South Brostia

South Brostia

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