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Brostia - The Lowlands


The Lowlands is the capital duchy of the Queendom of Brostia, with Brosfellton as the captial of the kingdom.  


This region holds the lower parts of the continent, as well as the island of Appley.  



Upon the coast of Bloombell Cliffs are Bloombells, a daffodil-like plant which only grows in the Spring. Once fully grown, these flower chime against the breeze.  

Appley Apples

The Isle of Appley, located off the coast of Claremont, is the home of Appley Apples the kind of apples which are only grown in the Apple tree forests of the island. Many Atharians flock to the city of Appley to experience the sweet flavour of the Appley produce.  



A Tigerwolf is one of the most dangerous creatures which lurk within the wilderness of Brostia. It's grey fur can make it difficult to see in both night and day, especially as the Tigerwolf as a natural instinct of stealth.
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