Overdale Settlement in Expedition Demeter | World Anvil


Overdale is the region surrounding Yithwitch, Consisting of miles and miles of farmland, quarries, mills, and more. It is the primary source of raw materials in Estoya and many from Yithwitch and Rouxsgate leave city life in hopes of staking their claim and vastly increasing their wealth. Overdale is a massive area consisting of woodlands, rolling hills, grasslands and even other towns like Brooke and Grayport. Being outside of city walls, the territory has little in the way of defense. The Judges of Law and Merit assigned to these regions make use of mercenary groups and militias that make their home here. Many assets exist in the Outlands. Overdale boasts massive amounts of lumber, food, quarries, and other resources. Even smaller claims on fertile soil make use of it. Florists and apothecaries can be found all over and most Wardens prefer to make their home in Overdale
Alternative Name(s)
The outlands
National Territory
Location under
Owning Organization

The Peasant Nobility

While the term was developed by the adventurous souls who traveled out, the term stuck with everyone in Estoya. If someone ventures out and stakes a claim on unclaimed land, regardless of standing, they become owners of that land and can proceed to sell to harvest from, improve, rent, or outright sell the land as they see fit. Only those who have Estoyan citizenship in the form of Civil Ledgers may claim the land. This has led to a group of minor nobles who call themselves the peasant nobility. These minor nobles live outside of Rouxsgate and through hard work and dedication, built a life of wealth for themselves, joining the minor nobility and in the case of House Gray, The Major Nobility (Noble Houses) .

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