Anthic Belt Geographic Location in Ethnis | World Anvil

Anthic Belt

I've seen odd ships, but the vessel that took us to see the Anthic belt took the cake. It had a shape I could only describe as 'organic.' Streamlined and sharp like it was made to cut through the water like a bird cuts the air. The top of the vessel was encased in a glass dome studded with a sparkling grid of crystal-clear gems.

With a collective wave of their bodies, the eight man team of meta 'sailors' set us off. It was a quick trip, these meta boats they have are certainly terrifying in their speed alone.

It was time for us to go under. At first felt like we had gone skyborn, my stomach rose to my chest and I felt my belt grasp me to my chair.

I looked up just in time to see the water overtake the glass. We had breeched the surface, and we skimmed through the water like any other fish.

The beauty of the Anthic Belt was truely a sight to behold. It was an endless glowing forest beneath the waves unlike anything on Earth. It was truely alien, with growths the size of cities reaching towards the surface. I was told there were actually some people who live there, I can't even imagine.

Adventine Sal Ritter

The Anthic Belt is an underwater Jhoutai Coral Colony that stretches from the Nege to the continent of Verra. It is home to a series of shallower water channels that split the planet in two. The shallow waters are constantly changing in depth due to the coral growth.

Traveling over this belt is very dangerous as the shallow warm waters create constant storms and hurricanes, that and the rich ecology has given rise to larger predators.


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