Kelp Octopus

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
The kelp octopus, native to the kelp forests, is a small, shy predator that subsists primarily on flatfish and blue rockfish. The species is incredibly good at hiding, and can rarely be spotted unless they are actively hunting or wanting to make themselves known, the latter of which is incredibly rare. In part, this is due to their shifting camoflauge, as they can change colours to match their environment and to better blend in. The species shies away from noise, motion, and bright or sudden lights, and is rarely found anywhere near centres of population or routes of travel. Though they rarely interact with people, young children often have a fascination with the concept of the species, when they learn that it exists.


The kelp octopus has eight arms, with suction cups across one side that help them attach to things. They spend much of their time attached to and disguised as kelp, especially nearer to the ocean floor, where most of their prey can be found. When potential prey swims by, the kelp octopus' quick reflexes allow it to reach out and grasp their food, trapping it and bringing it closer to their mouths to begin to eat. The kelp octopus is, strangely, slightly smaller than most of its prey. It is able to eat animals much larger than itself, and requires a surprising amount of food for a creature of its size. Its skin has a translucent appearance, and the species can change colour by releasing internal pigments that spread throughout its body and changes the visual colour of the species externally. This skin is bumpy and textured. Its eyes are positioned laterally on its extended head.
Geographic Distribution


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Apr 11, 2024 11:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, small shy babies. <3 I love the fact they are smaller than their prey in most cases.

Apr 11, 2024 11:54 by spleen

no such thing as "bitten off more than they can chew" for these fellas

Have a wonderful day!