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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
Glitterkelp is one of the three most common kelp species that can be found within the kelp forests. It gets its name from its incredibly sparkly and glitter-like appearance. It grows in singular strands, speckled across the entirety of its environment. This gives the forests a someone glittery appearance from a birds-eye view, the plants drawing the eye as one flies overhead. The kelp is often used to make glitterkelp tinsel, which can be used as a decorative material, and is especially popular on eelkelp chariots.

Basic Information


It is not the stem of the glitterkelp that gives it its light-catching properties, but rather the numerous tiny leaves covering it. These leaves are small enough that, from afar, they seem to just be a part of the stem. However, due to their unique ability to catch and reflect light, they are able to direct more light to the parts of the plant that are capable of photosynthesis - namely, the handful of much larger leaves scattered across the height of the plant's stalk.

Genetics and Reproduction

Glitterkelp has a curious method of reproduction. The large leaves that are capable of photosynthesis will begin to store extra nutrients, instead of tranferring all of them to the rest of the plant. From there, the leaf will begin to grow and leech more nutrients from the main plant until the plant detaches the leaf. The leaf then drifts in the water until it rests long enough to sprout. From here, a new plant is able to grow.
This process does not require any outside assistance, though does work best in areas with a current that is neither too strong or too weak. It also relies on a certain growing environment, which it will not be able to truly flourish outside of.
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Feb 3, 2024 16:14 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the fact that the leaves are the part that are glittery, even if they are so small they seem to be part of the stem. I wish I could see this in real life.