Feathered Algae

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This article was created for my Species-A-Day project for 2024! Read more here!
Feathered algae is a species of algae that forms in long, soft strings and branches that somewhat resemble a bird's feathers. Popular for decoration and clothing in the whirlpool reefs, this species is a staple of coralite textile arts. It is not uncommon to see coralite kuuyikar wearing handmade clothing woven from strips of this algae.


Feathered algae grows outwards from a "core", grown from small dead bits of coral that a colony uses for sustenence to start growing from. It extends outwards in fronds, which branch out in all directions, eventually becoming a large clump of living matter.
There is some debate on the capabilities of feathered algae while it is alive. It appears to have something vaguely resembling a nervous system between its cells, and while the function of this is a topic of argument in communities of biological study, the general consensus is that the algae can, in some capacity, feel pain. It's also unclear if the algae is in control of its own movement, as different parts of its fronts will begin to oscillate under certain circumstances, which has a side effect (or intention) of moving the algae to one side. This form of movement becomes less effective as the algae grows.

Uses & Byproducts

Because the level of awareness that feathered algae has is very unclear, material harvested from it is only gathered after the organism has already died. Typically, it tends to be softer in this form, and has a larger body, giving more material to work with. When feathered algae dies, it becomes a greenish off-white colour, and it takes dyes incredibly well. This means that clothing or fabrics made from feathered algae can appear in any colour, usually through pigments from rainbow coral or other corals of its native habitat.
Placeholder Image
Agnes Placeholder by notahumanhand
Geographic Distribution


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Mar 18, 2024 13:17 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that it is only harvested when it is dead because people aren't sure if it's aware or not. That's fun. :)

Mar 18, 2024 14:22 by spleen

can't risk angering any unknowable eldritch beings, right!

Have a wonderful day!