Cál Ceannann - Colcannon Item in El-Sod Elohim | World Anvil

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Cál Ceannann - Colcannon (kal KAN-an)

Traditional Irish Potato Dish

Indulge in the comfort of Irish culinary tradition with Cál Ceannann, commonly known as Colcannon. This dish, a harmonious blend of potatoes and greens, is a testament to the simplicity and heartiness of Ireland's gastronomic heritage.

Recipe Directions

Mash potatoes with butter, salt, pepper, milk and sour cream until light and fluffy. Stir in kale and grated onion. Serve at once.


Colcannon, or Cál Ceannann in Irish, has its roots in the humble yet fertile Irish soil. A staple during Halloween, it's a culinary symbol of Ireland's rural past, often served with charms hidden inside as part of festive traditions. This dish is a celebration of harvest and family, often enjoyed during Halloween and other communal feasts, signifying togetherness and abundance.

Prep Time (hours)
Items Needed
Pot for boiling, mixing bowl, potato masher, skillet for sautéing greens.


4 medium Potatoes, peeled and boiled
3 Tablespoons Butter
1/2 teaspoon Salt
1/8 teaspoon Black Pepper
1/4 cup Milk
2 Tablespoons Sour Cream
8 ounces Kale, steamed and chopped
2 Tablespoons Onion, grated

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Related ethnicities

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