Marshmallow Hammer

Marshmallow Hammers are a popular dwarven candy, both in Eden and in the larger Clarkwoods Literary Universe.



Each marshmallow hammer consists of four specific ingredients, all of which are edible:

  1. Two marshmallows
  2. One ring-shaped hard candy
  3. One sweet-and-sour fruit-flavored disc
  4. One edible lollipop stick

The two marshmallows are attached on either side of the ring-shaped candy’s hole to form the hammer’s head. The lollipop stick is then attached as a handle. Finally, to round it all off the fruit-flavored disc is attached one of the hammer’s cheeks.



The consumption of just one marshmallow hammer provides a sugar rush unparalleled by any other confection in creation. And if your kid eats more than one? Watch out!



The sugar crash which follows the aforementioned rush is not to be underestimated. Non-dwarves have been known to need a good long nap after they eat their first hammer. That said, most folks are just fine if they plan ahead for a little zoning out.



The combination of tastes in some variations is simply too much for many consumers, and for some this treat is just too damn sweet—no matter how tasty it might be.

Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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Feb 8, 2024 03:15 by Emily Armstrong

Love this xD and that art looks delicious!!

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Feb 8, 2024 11:40 by E. Christopher Clark

Thank you! I found these 3d models and bought them years ago without any real idea how I would ever use them. Was so glad to have them this month.

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Feb 9, 2024 13:50 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I want one.

Feb 9, 2024 15:54 by E. Christopher Clark

Yay! Mission accomplished!

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Feb 13, 2024 17:46 by Chris L


Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Feb 13, 2024 22:38 by E. Christopher Clark

Thanks for reading all of these, man. Puts a smile on my face!

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Feb 24, 2024 19:56

Question: Does it make a squeaky noise when you hit someone with it?

Feb 26, 2024 12:17 by E. Christopher Clark

Ooh, I hadn't thought of that, but I think the answer is a resounding YES.

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