First Soul Quill
By mine own feather
Kliasta famously make quills from their own feathers. To other people (and a growing number of kliasta--it's 157 AB, people. Stop living in the past) this is seen as simply convenient.
Traditionally, however, there is no more intimate way to write something or more sincere present to give someone than a quill made from your own feathers.
As kliasta grow only down feathers until adolescence, soul quills can only be made by adults. Over time, making one's own soul quill became more and more of a statement of maturity. These days, presenting the person or people who raised you with your soul quill is seen as a respectful and heartfelt symbol that you're ready to 'fly the nest'.
Keep your feathers close
The more conservative among the kliasta believe you should only ever make three soul quills across your lifetime:
One for your parents, when you leave home
One for your spouse, for them to make their signature on the marriage certificate
One for yourself, for personal documents like your will
Late Plumers
Some kliasta are unable to grow feathers sturdy enough to make into quills well into adulthood.
This used to be a mark of shame on the family, but the stigma is (slowly) weakening.
I always love when thought is put into how non-human species would accessorize or such with their physical attributes. Turning their feathers into quills is a really interesting, and a great example of something like that :D
Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Thanks! This is probably something that wouldn't have come up without the Summer Camp prompts, but boy am I having fun exploring it.