The General Labor System


All 'Civic Service' work performed for the local authorities are paid out at a fixed, legally-defined rate, which has set a baseline standard for what labor is worth within the Bailey. As a result, whatever kind of work the Character is engaging in, if they are doing it for someone else, they can generally be expected to be paid commensurately with or better than this rate.

Whenever Players in DR:MD perform extra work for game, be that Voluntary NPC Shifts, Postal Work, Meal Prep, or other services as requested by Game Staff, they are entitled to a reward payout. For every hour worked, they may claim one of the following benefits:

  • 5 Labor Points
  • 'Own Time' - Characters may count time spent volunteering for game as time spent Gathering, Crafting, Research, and other Full-Engagement Roleplay Activities, provided they spend the requisite Mind and have access to the relevant Community Workstations or own their own (NOT 'borrowed one from a friend')

Labor Points can be spent within Labor Categories for rewards at the end of the volunteer time. In order to purchase from a respective level of Buy List, the Character must have at least that level of one of the Associated Skills. All Points gained from a shift must all be spent at once, and they cannot be 'saved' or 'combined'. Any unspent remainder is lost.

Players should spend some time thinking about what their Characters are doing to earn a living while they are on NPC shift or doing other work, and be ready to discuss it with other Characters when it comes time to talk about why people won't be available at certain times and why!

A Note on Bags

Most of the lists players can spend their well-gotten gains on contain options to pull from various 'Bags'. These are essentially random collections of consequences (all weighted firmly in the favor of the player on average), designed to allow a player to both make some resources or other benefits while being able to string together a narrative about what sorts of things they got up to while they were at work. Players who remember Big Dig may be having some tinges of familiarity, and the idea here is much the same, but more finely tailored to their specific fields instead of just Jones'n.

A Note on Tokens

Most of Bags players can pull from will contain thematic ‘Tokens’ related to the type of Bag that can be pulled as a reward. These tokens, when collected, can be used to be exchanged for various items, abilities, information, or other unique mechanics. These Tokens can be traded and collected as any normal item can and may even be found in the DRMD game space outside of the Bags. Each category will list the common Tokens that can be located in the bags with a link to their item page for your quick reference.

Labor Categories:


Buy List:
  • 1 Labor Point: 1 Shell
  • (Designer's Note: If your eyes glazed over reading any of the above, feel free to pick this option and go on your way!)


Associated Skill: Salvaging or Foraging
Common Tokens: Treasure Token

Basic Buy List: DAY LABOR
  • 1 Labor Point: 1 Basic Scrap
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from Basic Extraction Bag

Proficient Buy List: SHIFT SUPERVISOR
  • 5 Labor Points: 2 Uncommon Scrap
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from Proficient Extraction Bag

  • 10 Labor Points: 2 Rare Scrap
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from Master Extraction Bag


Associated Skill: Medical or Social Influence
Common Tokens: N/A

Basic Buy List: TRIAGE CARE
Proficient Buy List: TRAUMA CARE

Food Production:

Associated Skill: Agriculture or Culinary
Common Tokens: Food Token

Basic Buy List: LINE LABOR
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Basic Herb
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from Basic Food Production Bag

  • 5 Labor Points: 2 Uncommon Herb
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient Food Production Bag

  • 10 Labor Points: 4 Rare Herb
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master Food Production Bag

Research and Development (R&D):

Associated Skill: Artisan or Education
Common Tokens: Industry Token

Basic Buy List: TEST SUBJECT
  • 1 Labor Point: 1 Broken Item Repaired while on NPC
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Basic R&D Bag

Proficient Buy List: TEST CONDUCTOR
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Crafting Resource crafted while you are on NPC (per craft level, with materials provided by Character)
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient R&D Bag

Master Buy List: TEST DESIGNER
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Item crafted while you are on NPC (per craft level, with materials provided by Character)
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master R&D Bag
  • 50 Labor Points: 1 Local Blueprint

'Legitimate Business':

Associated Skill: Larceny or Criminal Influence
Common Tokens: Blood Token, Clue Token, Food Token, Industry Token, Influence Token, Map Token, Treasure Token

Basic Buy List: MUSCLE
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Basic Criminal Voucher
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the 'Crime of Opportunity' Bag.

Proficient Buy List: ENFORCER
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Proficient Criminal Voucher
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the 'Premeditated' Bag

Master Buy List: SPECIALIST
  • 20 Labor Points: 1 Master Criminal Voucher
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the 'Heist' Bag

Looking for Trouble:

Associated Skill: Any Combat
Common Tokens: Blood Token

Basic Buy List: GRUNT
  • 1 Labor Point: Heal your Character to Maximum Body, and gain ‘Upsurge 10 Body’.
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Basic Trouble Bag

Proficient Buy List: ELITE
  • 5 Labor Points: Your Character Heals 1 Body, and gains 'Upsurge 20 Armor'.
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient Trouble Bag

Master Buy List: CHAMPION
  • 10 'Labor Points: One or more NPCs will spread a story about one of your character's heroic or infamous exploits to other PCs at an appropriate moment in the future. (You may even end up in the newspaper...) You may submit a Social or Criminal rumor here for inclusion in the next game.
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master Trouble Bag

Trade Markets:

Associated Skill: Financial Influence, Trade Connections, or Sailing
Common Tokens: Influence Token

Basic Buy List: MERCHANT
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Basic Trade Connections or Sailing Voucher
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Basic Markets Bag

Proficient Buy List: TRADER
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Proficient Trade Connections or Sailing Voucher
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient Markets Bag

Master Buy List: DEALER
  • 20 Labor Points: 1 Master Trade Connections or Sailing Voucher
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master Markets Bag

Private Investigation:

Associated Skill: Awareness, Hunting, or Mental Endurance
Common Tokens: Clue Token

Basic Buy List: GUMSHOE
  • 1 Labor Point: Learn the present Influence level for any one of the Financial Institutions, Local Factions, or Environmental Conditions.
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Basic Investigations Bag

Proficient Buy List: PRIVATE EYE
  • 2 Labor Points: Professional Contact - Single-Use Extra Lore for a single Research Action. (Includes Local Lores; Expires end of game)
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient Investigations Bag

Master Buy List: DETECTIVE
  • 10 Labor Points: Clue by 4 - A Writer or Director will give you one hint towards achieving a narrative goal you specify.
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master Investigations Bag

Courier Service:

Associated Skill: Enhanced Movement, Stealth, or Trailblazing
Common Tokens: Map Token

Basic Buy List: RUNNER
  • 1 Labor Point: Free delivery of any one parcel or letter to any Character in The Bailey.
  • 2 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Basic Courier Bag

Proficient Buy List: COURIER
  • 3 Labor Points: Extra information about one Away Mission or Exploration Mission contract that has not been initiated.
  • 5 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Proficient Courier Bag

Master Buy List: DELIVERATOR
  • 50 Labor Points: Reveal 1 Hex and all adjacent Hexes on any active Exploration Map.
  • 10 Labor Points: 1 Pull from the Master Courier Bag

Decree, Governmental

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