Clue Token Item in Districts of Calamity | World Anvil

Clue Token

A hint, idea, or piece of information that by itself is useless, but when put together with other information can be invaluable.


Item Type: DRMD Local Plot

Keywords: Clue

Skills Required to Use: N/A

Expiration: 3 Months

Item Details/Special Rules: N/A

Basic Mechanics: You may turn in 5 Clue Tokens to Ops to receive a useful piece of information about a random mod or event that is happening in the next 4 hours. You may turn in 10 Clue Tokens to Ops to receive a useful piece of information about a specific mod or event that is happening this event. You may turn in 20 Clue Tokens to Ops to receive a useful piece of information about a specific plot that will help you advance in a manner of your choosing.


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