Index: Satyr Bandit in CHASE SRD | World Anvil

Index: Satyr Bandit

Fey | Humanoid | Trick-Kin


Satyr Bandit

You followed the weird goat man begging for help. At least, that's what you remember, now having awoken with your valuables missing and old hooftracks that show something familiar having long since retreated.
  Satyrs, the jerks we all know and  



* = Proficiency
Fortitude Save
Reflex Save
Will Save*


  • Armor Class: 14
  • Max HP (+AHP): 18 (+5)
  • Average HP | Formula: 15 (+5) | 1d8+0+10 (+5)
  • Blockstun Breakpoints: 0 AHP
  • -
  • Speed: 25 ft
  • Initiative: +1
  • Creature Senses: Low-Light Vision
  • -
  • Damage Vulnerabilities:None
  • Damage Reduction: None
  • Damage Resistances: None
  • Damage Immunities: None
  • -
  • Condition Immunities: None
  • -
  • Doom Abilities: None
  • -Skills-

    • Proficiency Bonus: +1
    • Diplomacy(CHA+Prof): +5
    • Deception(CHA+Prof): +5
    • Stealth(DEX+Prof): +4
      • (For all untrained, roll relevant Attribute Scores instead.)
    • Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan, Tricylvan

    -Other Stats-

  • Base Threat Level: 1.0
  • EXP: 100
  • Creature Size: Medium
  • Creature Type(s): Humanoid, Trick-Kin
  • Source(s): Core
  • -
  • Armor Type: Padded Leather Armor
  • -


    Magic Resistance : ~0.5
    The Satyr has advantage on any abilities or effects with the Magical trait.
      Magical Sleep : ~1.0
    While not a spellcaster, the Satyr has a single use trick that channels their fey power. This spell, Sleepcloud, is reflected in their actions.


    Attacks | ◈ per, up to 2 a turn
    The Satyr Bandit fights dirty, often using positioning and the occasional magic trick to defeat enemies. When they can't fight fair, they will also try to manuever to unconcious enemies or to traps, trying to get the enemy's attention about the danger they will unleash.
    Headbutt | ◈ | Melee Weapon Attack | +4 to hit | Hit: 7 ( 1d6+3 ) Bludgeoning damage
    Base sword | ◈ | Melee Weapon Attack | +4 to hit | Hit: 7 ( 1d6+3 ) Slashing damage
    Shortbow | ◈ | Ranged Weapon Attack (80/320 ft) | +4 to hit / Hit: 8 ( 1d6+4 ) Piercing damage.
      Sleepcloud : ~1.0 | 2 Action / ◈◈ | Can automatically induce sleep to a bunch of creatures, 1/day
    Show spoiler
    The Satyr casts Sleepcloud. They can do this 1 time per Long Rest. The Satyr's casting DC is 15 (or 10 + proficiency + their CHA).   From a fixed point, you magically summon cloud that induces sleep on the unsuspecting. This spell has two areas, a wider radius and an inner radius.   This spell's wider radius affects a number of creatures you choose automatically, though this spell uses a Health Pool that equals 8d8 ↗⤴. Each time a creature is affected by this spell, deduct their current regular Hit Points from the Pool. Creatures affected this way automatically fall Unconcious for the spell's duration. You choose if they start falling or fall Prone.   In the inner radius, creatures must make a Will Save vs your Casting DC. Creatures who fail succeed, but not critically succeed, on their DC become drowsy, gaining the Off-Guard condition. Creatures who fail are affected by the spell regardless of their hit point total (it is not deducted from the pool) for the spell's duration.. Creatures who critically fail are affected by the spell as before, but the spell's duration increases to 1 hour.   All creatures put to sleep by this spell may repeat, or make, a save at the start and end of their turns if they are not Deafened. Creatures are automatically awoken if they take damage, or if another entity within 5 ft spends 1 action to wake them. You can move the 10 ft inner radius to anywhere in the wider radius. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed or Psychic ⚙️ affects aren’t affected by this spell..


    Satyrs are, sometimes viewed as different from the more goblin-like fae cousins. CHASE makes that distinction less arbitrary, with the full knowledge that Satyr can be just as nasty as enemy Goblins, Bugbears, Hobgoblins, and Orges. They, more than anything, are more fey oriented and are harer to counter with magic and illusions.   Satyrs, when traveling as bandits, aren't as numerous as others, but still pose threats. They will fight to the death with others, or at least try to convince enemies that they were really on the other's side before stabbing them in the back.  

    What Others may know...

    DC = 15 + TL, using an appropriate skill check.

    Heard of (-5 to DC)


    Learned of (Meets DC)


    Fully Know of (DC + 10 and up)


    Adventure Specific...

    -Lost Mines of Phandelver-
    DC = 15 + TL, using an appropriate skill check.

    Heard of (-5 to DC)


    Learned of (Meets DC)


    Fully Know of (DC + 10 and up)



    -Scaling and Alterations-

      Adjusting the creature's stats to appropriate Threat levels involves altering the TL, Proficiency Bonus, and damage numbers. This section is a work in progress.  


    • Appraise DC: 11
    • Success
    • Critical Success
      • Character's Half-Proficiency + 2 : Hide Scraps
      • Character's Half-Proficiency + 2 : Wood Scraps

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