Example Magic Stunts in Aqualon | World Anvil

Example Magic Stunts

Magic Stunts


  • Fluid Circuitry

    +2 on Creativity to use magic engines.

  • Mandala Painting

    +2 on Creativity to paint spell ink mandalas.
    Note: raw spell ink is illegal to export from the Middle Lands.

  • Soul Bulwark

    If you succeed with style on defending against a magical attack with Creativity, you create a situation aspect instead of a boost.

  • A Magic Engine in Every Pocket

    Use Resources to create advantages as if you had any Elemental Attunement and were using Creativity.


Elemental Attunement

  • Behold the Magus

    Use Creativity instead of Rapport to ingratiate yourself to a person or crowd by wowing them with a show of magic, or: 1/scene spend 1 Fate Point to use Creativity instead of Provoke to perform a mental attack on an enemy.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Any)
    Note: Behold my magix!

  • Monk of the Five Paths

    +2 to Lore on knowledge about Elemental Magic. You may change your Elemental Attunement during Significant Milestones instead of Major Milestones.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Any)
    Note: You trained at the Monastery of Five Paths on Nyingma.

  • Master of the Five Paths

    You may spend 1 Fate Point to change your Elemental Attunement 1/day. To do so, you need to have spent several hours in deep meditation.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Any), Monk of the Five Paths
    Note: I have passed my Graduation Feddey, the five elements are as kin to me.

  • Scattering

    Spend 1 Fate Point to attach an Obstacle your current or an adjacent zone using Creativity. The Obstacle counts as an Aspect and is either called "Active Fog Bank" or "Active Rain" if you are attuned to water, or "Glitterbreeze" or "Downed Cloud", if you are attuned to wind. This Obstacle passively pinpoints the location of characters within that cannot overcome it with Stealth at the beginning of their turn.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Wind)
    Note: This is the magic used by the Nebelstürmers of Aerialis, magus riders that call clouds out of the sky to obscure the battlefield and pinpoint enemies and uses of magic.

  • Capillary Armor / Moving Crust

    Spend 1 Fate Point to defend against a physical or blunt magical attack using Physique and get +2 on that roll. If you succeed, you automatically succeed with style, and your boost becomes an aspect.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Earth)
    Note: This magic usually manifests as blood hardening in the capillaries, or ice or compact earth crawling across the user's skin like armor.

  • Healing Waters/Breath/Bones/Fever

    Spend 1 Fate Point to lessen one physical consequence over the duration of one scene. Mild consequences disappear. However, not every element can cure every ailment: water is best at alleviating poisoning and bleeding, wind for damaged lungs and weakened metabolism, earth for bone damage and bleeding, and fire for infections and sickness.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Wind / Earth / Fire)
    Note: Each element has its own healers, and they each specialize in healing different things.

  • Healing Fluids/Charge/Breath

    Spend 1 Fate Point to lessen one mental consequence over the duration of one scene. Mild consequences disappear. However, not every mental ailment can be cured by the elements. These mostly deal with unhealthy neurochemical imbalances, being as effective as lengthy psycho-therapeutic medication.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Lightning / Wind)

  • Slicing Aqua / Mounting Inferno / Crackle / Ground Snap / Hammer Wind

    Spend 1 Fate Point to make a Shoot attack against one adjacent zone (do not split the damage).
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Fire / Lightning / Earth / Wind)
    Note: Flavor to taste.

  • Fimbulwinter / Exploding Strike / Severe Discharge / Spikes / Eye of the Storm

    Spend 1 Fate Point to make a Fight attack against your zone (do not split the damage. you are not affected yourself).
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Water / Fire / Lightning / Earth / Wind)
    Note: Flavor to taste.

  • Powerful Heat Haze

    Spend 1 Fate Point. You may defend against non-magical physical attacks with Creativity during the current conflict.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Fire)

  • Ash Plume

    Spend 1 Fate Point to create an Advantage called "Heavy Concealment" using Creativity. The difficulty is 2 and for each free invoke create another free invoke for each team member.
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Fire)

  • Voltage Field

    Spend 1 Fate Point. All
    on your attack roll become
    and all
    (apply after rolling).
    Requirements: Elemental Attunement (Lightning)


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