Luck Item Collection Item in Your Inner Child Series: World Mythology of Ancient Power | World Anvil

Luck Item Collection

As Father of Luck and Leprechauns, Saint Patrick has blessed these items (symbols) for good luck.  


The first are horseshoes. Horseshoes are just one symbol. To have them bring you good luck, ask Father Patrick to bless them on Leprechaun Day/Good Luck Day (March 17th) and hang them on a wall or door upside down.   Sailors, if they're superstitous, believe in nailing them to a mast to bring them good luck on the high seas. Saint/Father Patrick does approve this.  
This issue has divided opinions. Some say the ends should be up to ctach the luck and others say point the ends down. Pointing the ends down allows those entering to be blessed themselves. I guess it depends on where you fall in this debate.

Rabbit's foot

Rabbits foot as amulets are believed to bring good luck in a great number of places around the world, including Europe, China, Africa, Australia and North and South America. There are variations of this superstition AKA different stories that dictate how it brings good luck.  


If there is a lucky gemstone, then emeralds are the one!   Emeralds are lucky as they are green like Ireland and Leprechauns. Father Patrick made them lucky long ago. They are, if worn as talismans, believed to confer riches, power, and eloquence. Its most valuable power was perhaps bestowing the ability to predict future events.  

Four-Leaf Clovers

The four-leaf clover is a rare variation of the common three-leaf clover, often 5000 to 1 (in Central Europe but similar in North America). Many four-leaf clovers do not grow in Southern Hemisphere for an unknown reason.  

Four-Leaf Clovers as Good Luck Charms

As one of the items of luck, a four-leaf clover is part of nature's way of bestowing good luck upon the mortals. To have extra good luck, pick it underneath the Full Moon or the Lucky 7 Emerald Moon to have even more luck.
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