Drákos Tribes and Families

There are 10 tribes that have inhabited the dragonshome islands for recorded history.  


Five of the historical tribes, now thought of as families, form the foundation of the city of Astériapólis.   These are:  


Of the historical tribes, now thought of as families, four form the foundation of the city of Fengáriopolis   These are:  


Of the historical tribes, now thought of as families, four form the foundation of the city of Ilioúpolis   These are:  

Other Tribes

Twof the tribes known as the Persópoulos Tribe and the Voulgarópoulos Tribe, composed entirely of the younger races have a dark history of in the Drákon League and no longer inhabit the Dragonshome Islands.  


The Persopoulos has disappeared from the Middle Sea region, approximately the same time as a large eruption on their home island of Froúrio nisí. It is unknown whether they were destroyed in the eruption or migrated to the Western Continent. Either way they are lost to history.  


The Voulgarópoulos migrated from Vóreio nisí to the Northern Continent and Eastern Continent. Those of the Northern continent now form the foundation of the Holy Empire of Humanité.

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