Persópoulos Tribe

The Persópoulos Tribe was the remnants of a larger empire composed entirely of members of the Younger Races that made the journey to Zihæt after the The Great War. The tribe was perhaps the most sophisticated of those who made the journey, and were widely respected for their scientific knowledge and fighting proweress, particularly horse drawn chariots and mounted troops on elephants.   The tribe disappeared from the Middle Seas region in roughly 2850 following an eruption on their home island of Froúrio nisí.


The tribe is extremly heirarchical. It is led by a single wedded couple (male and female). Leadership is notionally transferred via the primogeniture, however accidents leading to the death of the leaders and their entire families are not unknown. Rulers assuming guardianship for minors and instead usurping it for their children is also well known.


The Persopoulos tribe disappeared from the Dragonshome Islands after a significant eruption on their home island of Froúrio nisí.   The vanishing occured before the formation of Drákonic families and the Drákon League, the tribe has largely withdrawn from the Middle Sea region and is suspected to have fled to the Western Continent. Little to any records exist outside of the Order of Akadimía of the Persopoulos.


The tribe initially settled on the small western island of Froúrio nisí.   After their disappearance, it is rumored that the tribe was destroyed or migrated west to the Western Continent. It has been largely lost to history.


Much like the Voulgaropoulos Tribe, the Persopolous specialized in mounted combat. Significantly differently however they maintained very disciplined structures with a variety of different fighting units. The chariot and elephant cavalry were fighting styles unique to the tribe.   The Persopolous were a capable, but infrequent user of naval power. When they did use naval power it was almost always to convey or support land based troops.

Technological Level

Prior to their disappearance, the family was regarded as one of the most technologically and scientifically advanced of the Drákon Tribes and Families. The family had sponsored significant studies of the celestial and terrestial realms, and had made significant progress in the working of the metals unique to Zihæt.

Foreign Relations

The tribe originally had very open and accepting relations with the native Lizardfolk populations on the island and were fascinated by the exotic and powerfulc reatures of the island.   Within 100 years of settling on the island, what little contact was maintained with the other tribes ceased. The tribe maintained no formal contact with the other tribes from that point. What contact they did have in the century after migrating was raids or small conquests of the neighboring tribes.   For reasons not documented, the tribe turned on the native islanders. The ensuing conflict turned out to be particularly one sided. Several of the ancient greater races of Zihæt had to intervene to stop the genocide. The end of the war corresonded roughly with the eruption of the volcanic complex at what is now Iófus Caldera, and the disappearance of the tribe from the middle seas region.   This was the beginning of a series of smaller conflicts that eventually led to the withdrawal of many of the native humanoids from the middle seas region.   The tribe is now largely a myth in the care of only the most detailed historians. No known contact has been made with the tribe in over 1000 years.

Trade & Transport

Of the younger races, the Voulgaropoulos Tribe and Persopoulos were the only tribes to bring horses and cattle with them to Zihæt. The Persopoulos also brought with them falcons, peacocks, and elephants. They have guarded them jealously and during their time on the Dragonshome Islands would seek to recapture any which left the control of the tribe and destroy those who obtained them. This frequently brought them into contact with the humanoids native to Zihæt that were regarded the creatures with curiousity and fondness.   The animals on Froúrio Nisí disappeared along with the tribe around the time of the eruption in 2850.


Founding Date
Geopolitical, Tribe
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities


Author's Notes

Small tribes descended from the middleastern empires of Middle Assyria, Kassite (Babylonian) empire and Hittite (Anatolian) empire and united under one ruling tribe in the journey to Zihæt. While the greek surname Persopoulos refers to persians of the Achaemenid Empire, this formed after the bronze age collapse and can't strictly be the predecessor. It may be a model for the post-exile tribe.   I'm taking artistic license and assuming Zoroaster / Zarathustra was a contemporary of the bronze age collapse. Dates of his birth vary widely. Scholars speculate that the earliest reasonable dates would be similar in age to the Rig Veda (the oldest texts of any other Indo-Iranian language, ca. 1700–1500 BCE the latest would be during the rule of Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (600–530 BCE).   I'm choosing approximately 1210BCE and allowing for the potential that he migrated with the refugees and played a significant advisory role in the new tribe. This would lead to a more direct hand in forming the world view.   The framework for the great war would is well aligned with his world view. This forms the basis for the tribal religion, very loosely based on Zoroastrianism. The references to Zoroastrianism are placeholders. The intent is to lift the flavors and key framing elements from Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu but not its specific individuals, or tenents. Much of the tenants are adapted for suitability to Zihæt as their new home and nothing implies that modern Zoroastrianism reflects in any form what is outlined here.   The sectarian split that occured regarding whether Zihæt is a creation of the Wise Lord is the causal effect of the exile, and influence on the Thracians.   Source material:


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