Session 35 Report Report in Aegimius | World Anvil

Session 35 Report

General Summary

58 CYNA, 703

Salting lightly
Does anything happen today?
Time of day

In the scorching heart of the vast An'Qiraj Desert lies the resplendent Icrabia Empire, a jewel of culture and technology amidst endless dunes. It was here, beneath the relentless sun and amidst the shifting sands, that Brad found himself entangled not just in the silken webs of court intrigue but in the fervent hearts of both Prince Malik and Princess Amara. These memories, buried deep beneath layers of dust and time, still burn as brightly as the desert sun.

Memory One: The Secret Garden Encounter

Brad first caught the eye of Prince Malik in the kingdom's secret garden, a lush oasis hidden within the palace walls, where water flowed like liquid silver and rare flowers perfumed the night air. It was here, among the whispering palms and under the watchful gaze of the moon, that Malik confessed his dreams of Sandara's future—a future he hoped would be shaped by Brad's intellect and courage. Their meetings became the kingdom's most closely guarded secret, as much for the prince's unconventional visions as for the love that bloomed like the desert roses around them.

Memory Two: The Technological Marvel and The Princess's Ambition

In the heart of Icriba's grand library, amidst scrolls of ancient wisdom and texts of forgotten knowledge, Brad stumbled upon a relic of a bygone era: a device capable of harnessing the sun's energy, lost to the sands of time. It was Princess Amara who found him there, her curiosity piqued by the light in Brad's eyes. She saw in him a kindred spirit, a fellow seeker of truth and knowledge. Together, they unearthed the secrets of the device, their shared ambition drawing them closer, even as the shadows of their clandestine work grew longer.

Memory Three: The War of Hearts and the Theft

The secret affections Brad harbored for both siblings could not remain hidden forever. Whispered rumors became roaring accusations, and the Icribia Empire found itself on the brink of a war not of armies and weapons, but of hearts and loyalties. In a desperate bid to prevent the conflict, Brad made a choice that would forever alter the course of Icribian history. He took the ancient technological relic, intending to use its power to broker peace, but instead, the theft ignited the very war he sought to avoid. Prince Malik felt betrayed by love, Princess Amara by ambition, and the kingdom by its brightest hope.

Memory Four: The Desert's Farewell

Brad's final memory of Icrabia is a blur of sand and fire, of shouting and chaos. As he fled into the desert, the relic in hand, he cast one last glance back at the kingdom. The silhouettes of Malik and Amara stood against the backdrop of their crumbling world, their faces a mosaic of sorrow, anger, and betrayal. That image haunted Brad as he disappeared into the desert, the stolen relic a heavy weight not just in his hands but on his heart.

Memory Five: The Oasis of Regret

Alone, save for the endless sands and the stars above, Brad reached an oasis as the dawn broke, painting the desert in hues of gold and crimson. Here, amidst the quiet and the solitude, he contemplated the ruin his actions had wrought. The relic, for all its promise, had brought only destruction. It was at this oasis that Brad buried the device, hoping to bury his regrets with it. But as he left the oasis behind, he knew some scars run too deep, etched not just in the land but in the soul.

hear: impish, maniacal giggling; See: wreathed in a nimbus of light; feel: coarse-grained planks; smell: the reek of vomit

Memory 6: The Luminous Nocturne of Icriba

As Brad navigated the labyrinthine alleys of Icriba's bustling marketplace, the air was suddenly pierced by impish, maniacal giggling, echoing from the shadows. The sound was eerie yet oddly mesmerizing, leading Brad through a maze of coarse-grained wooden planks that formed the stalls and makeshift homes of the marketplace. Each step was guided by the laughter, drawing him deeper into the heart of the desert kingdom.

Emerging from the alleyways, Brad found himself in an open square, illuminated by a nimbus of light that seemed to dance and flicker like the very stars had descended to the earth. In the center of this luminous spectacle stood the prince and princess of Icriba, their figures wreathed in an ethereal glow. The source of the giggling became apparent as they playfully argued over an ancient, gleaming device—a technological marvel that Brad immediately recognized as the relic he would eventually steal.

The air was heavy with the reek of vomit, a reminder of the excesses and indulgences that often accompanied royal celebrations. Yet, this odor did nothing to diminish the surreal beauty of the moment. The coarse wooden planks beneath Brad's feet grounded him in reality, even as his senses were enveloped by the sights, sounds, and smells of the Icriban square.

Brad runs into a wall lost in the last memory, as Belladona was cooking dinner. Prince and Princess tried to kill themselves after Bob left. Tevin walks through commenting that Bob's latest look looks like Belladonna's brother if he had purple hair. Bob found a book wiht an image of the oasis that he hid the stolen relic at. The party comes up with a new look for Bob if they have to go to the Icriba Empire.

Everyone heads home. Bob heads to find Mariah to discuss why Naginni says that Oz and others cannot leave. Mariah tells bob that it's all connected, the missing children, the inky black darkness, the gem, the soul trap gem.

Created Content

Young Tomlin has always been known for his boundless energy and insatiable curiosity. One day, while exploring his grandfather's attic, he discovers an ancient, dust-covered tome: "Legends of the Forgotten Depths." The book speaks of a hidden cave deep within the woods, guarded by the Webspinner, a mythical spider said to weave the fate of those daring to seek its treasures. The legend tells of a magnificent treasure, lost to time, waiting for a worthy seeker to uncover its secrets.   Driven by the tales of adventure and the promise of undiscovered riches, Tomlin's excitement is palpable. He can barely contain himself as he shares the legend with a group of adventurers passing through Eldenwood. Eager to prove himself and bring honor to his village, Tomlin pleads with the adventurers to let him join them on a quest to find the cave, face the Webspinner, and claim the treasure.   The adventurers, moved by Tomlin's enthusiasm and the allure of the legend, agree to embark on the journey. Together, they delve into the Whispering Woods, guided by the ancient tome's cryptic clues. But as they venture deeper, they realize that the legend is more than a mere tale. The cave is real, and so is the Webspinner, a guardian not just of treasure, but of ancient secrets and the threshold between worlds.
Which organization do you belong to?
Milleadh Campaign 2
Belladonna De La Croix
Chaotic Neutral Variant Human (Haunted One)
Bard 4
56 / 56 HP
Chaotic Neutral Changeling (Urchin)
Rogue 4
Warlock 1
44 / 44 HP
Marcus Malin
None Earth Genasi (Failed Merchant)
Barbarian 4
64 / 64 HP
Report Date
10 Feb 2024
Primary Location

Cover image: by MandoMc Designs


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