Saquron Ethnicity in Reki Orbital Space Station | World Anvil


...You want to know what a Saquron is? Well. I'm one, I suppose. Well, my ancestors were. Which has shaped the views and culture of my older relatives. ...I'm not sure if I still count as one. I've lived a pretty privileged life.
  On the planet of Rant lies a secluded country named the kingdom of Regeis. The country consists of a sapient species named the Spectera. The cultural group of Saquron evolved when they refused to conform with their God and Goddess decree.  


According to lore, In the beginning the God granted the species of Spectera the ability to use magic. However, the Spectera misused their power, and the God and the Goddess banned the use of magic. The Spectera followed the will of the God and the Goddess, however a small group of people disregarded the word of the God and the Goddess and used magic anyway. These people were named the Saquron, the faithless.   The Saquron were shunned. The rest of the population wanted nothing to do with them. The Saquron had to rely on themselves and the magic that they had insisted on using to survive.   It wasn't until recently, when people from outer space landed on the planet and came with gifts, that the other Regeis realized that they also wanted to use magic. Since the aliens were more interested in the people of the Saquron...   It is now 1895 years since the Saquron was invited out into space, but bone deep wounds leave hard to heal scars.  

How to spot a Saquron

They don't look any different than any other Regeis on the surface nor is their genes any different. Only their use of magic is different which have given them a second shape, and if you remove their clothes, the strong ones look like a night sky. They also can't stop using magic. It's a habit. Not using it is also painful because of Essence build up.


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