Kourk's Fortitude Military Conflict in Melior | World Anvil

Kourk's Fortitude

The battle of Kourk's Fortitude took place in 432 during The Second Age. Forces from Melopia invaded the continent of Porosa as their climates were similar, and were able to build a huge fleet to sail across The Asterian Sea and straight for Kourk.   The Melopian forces wanted to capture Kourk and use it as a backdoor base to take on the rest of Jolundria and possibly even claim control of The Aurus itself. Everyone knows that the compass points to the ice cold heart of The Aurus, and legends have told of an ancient magical source that draws such attention. The Melopians want this out of the hands of their enemies.   The first part of the invasion went well. Their fleet was unrivaled as they set sail from Porosa. As they entered the icy waters approaching Kourk however, many of their ships were damaged by fat bottomed icebergs. They resorted to sailing single file to the island, and ultimately were unprepared to fight in freezing cold Auric conditions (despite it being the "warm" season). The Kourkish soldiers fought valliantly against Melopian war mages, and whilst many lives were lost on both sides, the Kourkish folk came out victorious.

Cover image: by TJ Trewin


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