Luth Hornraven

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~ 29 Hunters Moon, 1451 AL
~ 26 Years Old

Luth is the embodiement of a carefree soul. He has long since stopped caring about what other people think of him - their opinions are, of course, usually rather negative. Such is the way for beastfolk like him. The only opinions that matter to him are his own, those of his family, and those of his friends.

Having spent his early years with his fairn - the Ardaan - and the Svaardin Ayjiir-fairn, whilst his teenage and recent years have been spent amongst humans, Luth has gained an appreciation for the culture each species has cultivated.

Luth watches you intently. His arms are propped up on the table, fingers interlocked beneath his chin, and his head is cocked to one side. "I have to say, most blacksmiths I've met don't look anywhere near as pretty as you do."

He smiles lazily, a small and delicate thing. You can see his tail swish back and forth behind him.

"I--" you start, but your mouth fails you. Stringing a sentence together seems impossible under his gaze. Heat floods your cheeks, no doubt tinged a light pink, and you hope that Luth can't see your blush under the poor lighting of the tavern. "Thank you for the compliment..."

He chuckles, whole face brightening up as he does so. "Anytime, smithy. Anytime."

Physical Description

At 6'5", Luth towers over most of the crowds he finds himself in. The exception to this is when he and his family travel back to The Iredin, homeland of the Svaardin Fairn and other kitra-kryn. He is skinny, with little muscle mass over than what has been required for him to achieve his level of grace and finesse. One would think him weak and that assumption would not be wrong, physically speaking. Luth makes up for his lack of strength in his swiftness and agility.

His rougish charm has allowed him to escape any unwanted confrontations unscathed. As such, Luth has very few scars and the ones that he does have are minor and already faded long ago.

The most striking thing about his appearance - to humans, at least - is his golden fur. This feature clearly sets him apart from most of Zerac's citizens. The coat itself is very thin, especially in comparison to that of his father, and neatly kept. Luth is always reminding his friends how important hygiene and good grooming is. His tail is the same colour as the rest of his coat and has a tuft of dark red fur at the end.

Personal History

Luth was born in The Iredin amongst a number of kitra-kryn clans. His mother and father, young and in love at the time of his birth, quickly found that they were not meant to be together. Aedán stole away the affections of Kaech Hornraven when Luth was only two years old. Had he been a human, had his parents been human, perhaps that would have caused a rift amongst his family that was impossible to heal. Fortunately, as is the nature of the kitra-kryn, Flaenn was more understanding of Kaech's feelings towards Aedán.

Growing up, Luth saw no issue with this predicament. He had two fathers and a mother that loved him, even if they did not all love each other. To him, it was no different to growing up amongst the other kitra-kyn, although it did mean he would receive an extra set of gifts on his dawn day.

For the first ten years of his life, Luth spent it surrounded by a kind and caring community. Every meal was spent together with the other kitra-kryn. Old and new lessons were shared amongst himself and his peers as though they were all equal in the grand scheme of things. No matter their age, or their history, or what their future may bring. It meant that Luth garned a great deal of knowledge of his kryn, his fellow beastfolk, and the world surrounding him.

He can still remember the rare occasion of King Ronan and his Shields passing through Iredin on a visit.

Just after his tenth dawn day, Kaech and Aedán informed him that they would be leaving Iredin. Though confused at first Luth eventually came to accept this. Especially when he learnt the truth as to why his fathers wanted to leave. Flaenn and her small hunting party had gone missing in the north eastern regions of Yondar. The three of them would travel to the village of Zerac, where they would unfortunately find that the trail to Flaenn had gone cold. It took months of travelling to get there and, not wanting to unsettle Luth any further, his fathers decided to stay in the village, venturing out on occasion whenver they got wind of rumours about Flaenn's whereabouts.

In Zerac, Luth would become fast friends with Callassa 'Callie' Goodbarrel, an ox-kryn with no knowledge of where she had come from. He taught her as much as he could about her people and the other kryn. He would also teach her to stand up to the humans that often bullied her by letting her know that it didn't matter what they thought of her, what mattered was the person she wanted to be.

His teenage years were filled with getting into trouble with Zerac's guards. Luth found out that he had a great deal of skill with sleight of hand tricks and would often use it to help feed or shelter the poorer folk around town. In order to try and keep him out of trouble, Kaech and Aedán set him on an apprenticeship under the watchful eye of Zerac's librarian, Joredan. Though it was rather small building, as town libraries often are, Luth found no end of ways to mess around with Joredan. Eventually, he even picked up an interest in some of the material there, which Joredan was forever grateful for as it meant Luth spent less time harrassing him.


Family Ties

Luth has a solid relationship with both of his fathers. Before she vanished, he also had a good standing relationship with his mother.

Though not bound by blood, he also sees the kitra-kryn back in The Iredin as his family as well and has kept in touch with a number other kitra-kryn who were similar ages to him. Mostly, this is through letters, though he has travelled back once or twice to catch up with them in person.

Religious Views

As the kitra-kryn do not have a 'religion', he himself does not follow any particular teachings. They have set dieties that they believe in, similar to those worshipped in the Elryvian Pantheon, and are free to worship whoever they see fit in what ever way they wish too. Luth, enthralled with reanactments of this particular diety's trials and tribulations by the kitra-kryn, actively worships Gatu, The Lucky Lord.

He finds the Church's and the Nightsingers' views on the other dieties strange, but has no strong desire to try and play peacekeeper for religions that are predominantly human based.

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The Iredin
Red, drops just past his chin, pulled back into a very short ponytail
Fur Coat

Golden fur, very light and thin


Kaech Hornraven - Father (biological)
Flaenn - Mother (biological)
Aedán Hornraven - Step-father


Luth's official job title is 'Assistant Librarian'. To see he 'aids' Master Librarian Joredan may be a bit of a stretch. Most of the time, he either lounges around reading or harrasses the master librarian.

Recently, he has gotten his act together and started to help with cleaning and general maintenance around the library, but that is probably just because Joredan threatened to fire him.

Cover image: Character Banner Red by SunlanceXIII
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