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A mix and match of people, features resembling a variety of different animals, but standing tall on two legs as the humans and daelin do. From fur to scales, horns to tusks, majestic manes to swishing tails, the beastfolk come in all different shapes and sizes. It would be practically impossible to find two beastfolk who were identical.
Long ago, the beastfolk bore the same features and all of them called the mountain ranges of Yondar their home. There were no kryn. But everything changed when their ancestors - elders of the beastfolk tribes - were cursed with mutation magic. After the curse, beastfolk children were born with widely different features. The ox-kryn - closest in looks to the original beastfolk - and three other kryn: kitra, fenarl, and izaal.
Towering above most humans or daelin, and even most beastfolk, the ox-kryn are built muscular and strong.
Typically, male ox-kryn will have two horns atop their heads, jutting forward and up to a foot in length. Female ox-kryn tend to have four horns which are slightly shorter in length. Though it is not unheard of that a male ox-kryn bears four horns, or that a female ox-kryn should bear only two, but it is extremely uncommon.
Horn styles vary depending on the clan due to generations of living separately from of ox-kryn clans. Generally, there are six styles - one to match each of the ox-kryn ayjiir-fairne. There can be further variation in horn styles, but they will be similar enough to the styles of the closest ayjiir-fairn that other ox-kryn can identify them.
These horn styles are:
- Straight horns that point forwards
- Curved horns that point forwards
- Horns that fully curve (at least 1 complete circle) and end pointing forwards
- Straight horns that point backwards
- Curved horns that point backwards
- Horns that fully curve (at least 1 complete circle) and end pointing backwards
Ox-kryn that live in warmer climates lack fur. They have a thick, leather hide which typically comes in tones of greys, browns and purples. They also have patterns that are usually red or white in colour. These patterns aren't intricate, rather they are patches of colour that blends in to the rest of their hide.
Those from colder climates have fur - the colder the climate, the thicker it is. They still have a leathery hide underneath but it is thinner and smoother than that of their counterparts in warmer climates. Most ox-kryn in cold climates have a dark purple or grey hide and their fur is brown, red, or white in colour. The patterns in their fur are a little more intricate and are generally pale blue or purple in colour.
The Ayjiir-Fairne of the Ox-Kryn
These fairne were part of the original beastfolk munseyre before they were cursed. When their offspring began to mutate, the munseyre agreed upon a classification for each of the new mutations - ox, izaal, kitra and fenarl - and dispersed into smaller kryn in order to better understand the changes they were all undergoing. This meant that these six fairne became the leaders of the ox-kryn and would guide them as they sought deeper understanding. These fairne were:
- Akry
- Brudfur
- Glardsturn
- Maltusk
- Oask
- and Varn.
The Akry, known as healers and scholars, were the most dedicated to the cause of undoing the mutation they were cursed with long ago. They travelled east, chasing after the ghosts of the people they thought cursed them, before eventually settling in the northern regions of Elryn. For the majority of their initial journey the Brudfur, a fairn of honour bound warriors, travelled with the Akry in order to protect them. Overtime, the Brudfur lost hope in ever reversing the damage and got used to their new features, choosing to stay in Cermia whilst the Akry continued to pass through.
The other fairne were less inclined to chase ghosts from the start. Although hurt by what had happened to them, they got used to their new features far quicker than the Akry and the Brudfur. The Maltusk and Glardsturn fairne, filled with hunters and gatherers, both chose to stay in the mountain ranges of Yondar. The Oask, known for their uncanny dexterity, ventured into the north western regions of Valissa. The Varn, full of warriors and healers, ventured to the south of Yondar and chose to make the coast their home and are now the most adventerous of the Ox-Kryn fairne.
Jump to:
Izaal-Kryn - 5'5" to 8'
Kitra-Kryn - 5' to 7'
Fenarl-Kryn - 4'5" to 5'
Average Lifespan
All beastfolk live to 140 years. They are considered adults by their respective kryn when they reach the following ages:
- Fenarl-kryn - 30 years old
- Izaal-kryn - 20 years old
- Kitra-kryn - 25 years old
- Ox-kryn - 20 years old
Male Names
Achun, Braun, Drumane, Erakos, Jakar, Lurth, Rugan, Samarl, Tuvask, Uskar, Wulfran
Female Names
Anrun, Cassun, Franjesk, Gurna, Kyat, Lathrun, Nusk, Parla, Saphull, Ukwin, Ylask
Fairn Names
Akry (major), Brudfur (major), Danva (minor), Glardsturn (major), Hayk (minor), Maltusk (major), Oask (major), Ralynd (minor), Varn (major)
Fairn Status'
Aldur (elder), Antru (hunter), Chaun (chief), Halun (healer), Scarvur (scout), Tunry (tutor/guide), Varyun (warrior)
Male Names
Adoomyr, Claiz, Daniis, Hickraa, Kyoor, Marziin, Paasry, Rosiir, Trissk, Zakaar
Female Names
Aabi, Daisa, Foziil, Hosaa, Iavry, Kriiss, Monkaisa, Oliis, Ssophiir, Zanoor
Sool (son) or daaris (daughter) followed by one of the following: -fiizl (first), -lasiir (last), -socaan (second), -oon (one), -taa (two), -dii (three), -maiss (four), -iiv (five), -aryz (six)
Male Names
Awen, Cheor, Demnel, Eskar, Etchal, Landry, Mahren, Raelk, Taam
Female Names
Aeme, Behcha, Desh, Elawen, Gachiel, Katri, Maery, Rielle, Teriek
Kitra-Kryn do not have surnames. Instead, they choose to go by first name only - their communities within the fairne are tight knit so it is likely that everyone within the fairn already knows each other. Some Kitra-Kryn opt to use a title, usually bestowed upon them by another individual (giving yourself a title is looked down on by the Kitra-Kryn as it isn't truly earned).
Male Names
Cerl, Denule, Edune, Kellen, Lone, Nevron, Tomiere, Ucoss
Female Names
Belu, Dune, Eluso, Lucieve, Moru, Oseluv, Petruo, Sendro
Fairn Names
Bomune, Freyn, Hune, Loresh, Rofe, Shem, Sodel, Welsik
Languages of the Beastfolk
All beastfolk learn to speak the tongue of their ancestors - besta'lun - and most are well versed in the common Runic tongue. The kryn have since also developed their own languages, which typically use Besta'lun as a root. In some cases, such as the kitra-kryn, they have instead developed a cipher and shared this with their young. The following are additional languages that beastfolk can speak:
- aldur'lun
- ca'astlun
- eyris'lun
- friisek
- kitaran
- lunsavi
- lun'saroon
- lyvarn