Adinimus S'bna Character in Oryth | World Anvil

Adinimus S'bna

(Ah-din-e-mus See-bah)

High King Adinimus S'bna (a.k.a. His Divine Supreme)

"Come, my people. We must fight together against those who would seek us harm. Under the banner of the mighty Hextor, none can stand in our way."
— Adinimus S'bna, High King of Tok

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adinimus is very fit and is on a strict regime of daily exercises and routines to make sure he is in top condition. Though he has plenty of bodyguards, he has vowed to never be a ruler than couldn't enter the fray if he had to. Adinimus has fought personally in wars and can keep up with the most elite of his warriors.

Body Features

He adorned with several piercings over his body and along with most of the Tokian people, Adinimus has a permanent scar on his left hand from his yearly blood sacrifice. Until the age of 16, he was prohibited from participation due to being viewed as a divine being. He hated this practice as he felt it took him away from his people. On his 16th birthyear, he changed the law that separated the High King from the people and now must participate in all the same rites as the people of Tok.

Facial Features

His hazel skin is adorned with a faded black tribal-like tattoo. He is rarely seen smiling and always shows a face of a stern ruler with the fate of the world on his shoulder. His left eyebrow as a gap in the center of it from when a dagger sliced his face during an assassination attempt.

Identifying Characteristics

Unknown to everyone except for immediate family and the High Harbinger, all heirs to the throne have a small tattoo branded on their right calf at birth. It must always be kept concealed and is a secret protected by the lineage of Evna. This small detail is to prevent those who would seek to impersonate His Divine Supreme with mundane or magical trickery. Any that find out outside of the designated people are killed immediately, sometimes by the High King himself.

Created With: Hero Forge

Physical Quirks

Adinimus rarely sits and prefers to stand. His proud stature always seems to be seeking his surroundings, either out of expectation or paranoia. His left hand is almost always seen resting upon the hilt of Mournbreaker, his imbued Rybinite Longsword. A keen eye will see that though he is mostly ambidextrous, he favors his left hand for writing and swordplay.

Special Abilities

The lineage of Evna all shares the power of hemomancy, the ancient art form of the Blood Hunter. It is said that this ability was graced by Hextor himself due to the pure energy that the bloodline holds. This mystical energy gives them a myriad of special abilities, spells, and god-like speed in combat.

Apparel & Accessories

Adinimus does not wear typical noble attire, instead preferring every piece of his attire having a function. Down to the magical rings he carries to the lightweight leathers that he uses to protect him while not being overly encumbered by the bulkiness of some armor.
He often conceals his face with cloth wrapping that shows only his piercing eyes to the onlooker. This acts as both a means to intimidate and take away his human characteristics. This also has a secondary effect of protecting him from minor airborne toxins.


Also known as The Concluder. In the world of Oryth, only nine of these blades are known to exist. Each is patterned after the legendary sword Fragarach, which is variously translated as “Final Word.” Each of the nine swords has its own name and alignment, and each bears a different gem in its pommel.

Adinimus gains a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this sword. Also, while he holds the sword, Adinimus can use his reaction to make one melee attack with it against any creature in his reach that deals damage to him. He has Advantage on the attack roll, and any damage dealt with this special attack ignores any damage immunity or resistance the target has.

Concluder is the Lawful Neutral sword and contains an amethyst as its gem.

Specialized Equipment

Adinimus has many specialized items at his disposal, five of which are magical. The first is his curved longsword, Mournbreaker, a magical blade of legend once called The Concluder that guides Adinimus' hand in combat, allowing him to retort to attacks with an attack of his own. The next is a mirror-like ring called the Ring of Spell Turning, granting him heightened resistance to spells and their effects and even having a chance to turn a spell onto its caster.

On his other hand, another ring called the Ring of Truthtelling is worn that allows him to discern those attempting to deceive him with their honeyed words. His armor is of leather make but is magically crafted to instinctively deflect blows and incoming attacks. Lastly, he wears a tri-cape on his back known as the Cloak of Mountebank that gives of a faint smell of brimstone, allowing him to disappear in a puff of sulfurous smoke and reappear where he wishes.

Aside from these items, he also always has five elite-trained Spellbreakers at his side, ready to defend him at all costs, even if that cost is their own life.

Mental Characteristics

Personal History

Adinimus grew up constantly being prepared for his one day rule as king. He had little time to experience any sort of normalcy a child would be accustomed to, instead, having a strict schedule to adhere to. At the age of 23, he became the High King of Tok and has ruled unchecked since then.


As previously stated, Adinimus' life was spent in a rigorous schedule of training. His days would begin with athletic training in a myriad of obstacle courses that would be altered daily to keep his reactions at top-notch. Afterward, he would spend hours, nose-deep in books as he studied much of his history, religion, and various languages he was trained to learn. After, his combat training would commence, teaching him various forms of swordplay and unarmed combat. He would then hone his hemomancy, an art he struggled with until his later teenage years when he killed his first teacher by mistake. Since then, he has become a master of this art, unforeseen by any of his lineage.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Before becoming the High King, Adinimus had participated in many wars, helping his army make footholds into Hroff before the trade treaty was instated. After becoming King, he agreed to meet with the High King of Hroff, Zook Taren, risking his own life by sailing to the region of Tsharithius of southern Hroff. The two treated for 2 days without rest and by the end, both were exhausted both mentally and physically. They agreed that the life of their people was their greatest concern and far too many have died in collateral damage. Their religious beliefs, however, were the largest obstacles. The war would continue, but on predetermined battlefields with predetermined numbers. The Laws of War were scribed that day. This allowed minimum trade and transport between the two continents and regulations on what were and were not allowed in combat between the two nations.

Failures & Embarrassments

Some considered the Laws of War to be an abomination upon the teachings of Hextor, but those whispers were quickly squelched once Adinimus made his final verdict on the matter. To oppose his will would be considered treason, and its punishment, death. Previous to the treaty he lost some of the battles that were waged, but none were substantial enough to be considered an embarrassment, not that any would dare mock the High King of his failure.

Created With: Hero Forge

Mental Trauma

When his father turned 80 years old, Adiminus was brought into a shrine of Hextor located deep within Tok Castle where his father stood inside an empty fountain. S'bna Ivurlus instructed his son that it was now his duty to take the throne of Tok and that his own life was now forfeit. Mournbreaker was then given to Adinimus to strike S'bna down where he stood, his lifeblood returning to Hextor. The blood filled the well and with his dying breath, S'bna instructed his son that once the well dried, it was his duty to have his heir fill it with his own. This event left a permanent mental scar on Adinimus and much of the joy he once had would recess deep within. He swore to his father that his will be done. He would make sure that one day he would fulfill his destiny and make his father, and Hextor, proud.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adinimus has received the greatest schooling that money could buy and is extremely book smart because of it. Is it fluent in nine languages and prefers to speak with those who are native in their own tongue should he know it. He believes this is diplomatic and allows for a deeper connection with those he treats with.

Morality & Philosophy

Though Adinimus adheres to the Laws of Tok and tenants of the Hextorian faith, Adinimus sometimes questions if some of the practices of the Tok Empire are in the best interest of the Tokian people. He dances the line of "Good vs. Evil" and doesn't believe that true good or true evil actually exists. He believes in necessity and action and honestly believes that what he does as the High King of Tok will bring their country to prosperity and peace.


Though one of the Laws of Tok is to be fruitful and multiply, Adinimus has yet to take a wife and none have seen him even with another partner. Though asexuality is not illegal in the lands of Tok, the fact that he has not had at least one child by the age of 31 has caused some concern to the High Harbinger. He has discussed this a great lengths with the High King, but Adinimus quickly shuts these conversations down with the assurance that he will spawn a child in due time with no projected action on his part. Faruko reminds him that to not have an heir at his age is a dangerous thing and could potentially leave the empire vulnerable in the event of his untimely demise.

Social Characteristics

Contacts & Relations

Being High King definitely has its privileges. As such, he can call upon any Tok-loyal satrapy and they will answer to his will at the drop of a hat, amassing thousands of troops in a matter of moments ready and honored to fight for their king. He has made alliances with the northern tribes of the Arktikos Archipelago where he has set up trade and military support to assist with their continuous onslaught of Frost Giants in the area. As such, they have sworn fealty to Adinimus with the agreement that they keep their own laws and traditions along with their religious beliefs.

Family Ties

Though he is an only child of S'bna, he has many cousins, uncles, and aunts as well as his mother to call upon should he need a woman's fine touch on matters that he might need a different perspective on. There are rumors of a sibling that died at birth, but no proof has confirmed or denied these suspicions.

Created With: Hero Forge

Religious Views

Though officially he is a practitioner of the Hextorian faith, his views on the matter have shifted slightly in recent years. There is doubt in his mind if the church of Hextor is truly the best for his people, but he continues to partake in all sanctioned Hextorian tenants and celebrations.

Social Aptitude & Mannerisms

Adinimus' etiquette is one that would be expected of a High King. His politeness and knowledge of how to approach any social encounter. Adinimus is highly versed in social queues and can pick up on the most subtle of nuances during a conversation. His tendency to listen thoroughly before speaking allows him to refrain from lashing out in fits of emotions and always weighs his options before acting in any given situation. He prefers to allow his logic and intellect to rule him rather than his instinct and emotional ties.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Art By: Kekai Kotaki
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
The 21st Day of Nerubis
in the 510th Year of Rebirth
Circumstances of Birth
Heir to the Throne
Tok Proper
Current Residence
Tok Proper
Brown, Untrusting
Long, Black, w/ Streak of Gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"You call us tyrants. You call us evil, but our actions are for the safety and prosperity of our kin. We do this not out of hate, but out of our love for our people. We must unite under the banner of Hextor and smite all those who oppose us. Only then we will truly have peace on Oryth..."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Tof'kran, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial, Primordial, Elven, Gnomish, Giant, Orcish
Blood Hunter

Created With: Hero Forge

Personality Characteristics


Adinimus is motivated by the prospect of leading his nation to peace, however, he believes that this is only achievable through control. The only way to gain that control is through war. He greatly enjoys challenging enigmas and longs for the day where he can meet his match in combat.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Though he has a brilliant tactical mind and excels greatly in his martial and mental prowess, he is unable to understand the appeal of sexual activity. Men and women alike throw themselves at Adinimus, but the advances often go over his head. His ideal night would be an intellectual game of chess rather than a romantic getaway.

Likes & Dislikes

As previously stated, Adinimus has a great tactical mind. As such, he enjoys games that he can anticipate patterns and strategic maneuvers such as chess. He greatly dislikes games of chance, however, as it is something that he has no control over. Since there is no skill that he can use his intellectual mind to overcome, he finds them to be distasteful and beneath him.

Perhaps most known is his love of animals. Though he doesn't show his amusement in front of others, he adores animals and his giant menagerie definitely reflects that. He wishes to one day have a zoo that holds every animal known to man.

Created With: Hero Forge

Virtues & Personality Perks

One of his greatest virtues is his honesty. He is honest to a fault and loathes dishonesty. This hatred of liars is so deep he had a ring specially forged that allows him to discern lies in his presence. He considers lies done in his presence to be high treason and quickly strikes them down where they stand. He admires, however, those who tell the truth even in the event of it not being beneficial to them and will often show mercy to those who show honesty in these situations.

Vices & Personality Flaws

Behind closed doors, Adinimus has been known to lacerate himself and other willing participants to experiment with his hemomancy. His fascination with blood and the power it brings him is likely due to the trauma from his training as a child and having to slay his own father, watching the blood pool into the shrine to Hextor.

Personality Quirks

Adinimus has a tendency of remaining silent, even when spoken to. He can often be seen staring out into Tok Proper, looking down at the people of his great city. His advisors and guards can often confuse this as him being distracted and not listening, but this couldn't be further from the truth. He will often allow for a long pause of awkward silence before speaking to impose an unnerving presence on those that address him.

Personal Hygiene

The High King is very well-groomed, having a personal bath attendant that maintains his warm bath. He shaves every day, opting not to allow barbers to shave him in anticipation of an assassination attempt. He finds cleanliness and visual presentation to be extremely important among himself and his peers, but knows that not all have the privilege they do to uphold this status quo.

Hobbies & Pets

Adinimus is a skilled dancer and an excellent musician, versed in several different instruments. He has played at many galas and to see him perform is considered a great honor not to be taken lightly. His love for chess has prompted him to pick up wood-carving, creating intricated pieces for his own custom board. Once he has finished a set, he plays with it until he is done with a new set to which he soon donates the previous set to a local orphanage or home of eldercare.

His true love is for animals and will go on personal journies (against the will of his High Harbinger) to gain a new animal for his menagerie. He is willing to pay a hefty sum for an exotic animal should it be one that he has never seen before or does not currently own. He would never take someone's loyal companion should they persist to deny him, though his presence, status, and wallet have yet to cause someone to turn down his offer.
"What an astounding creature you have there. What is its name and how much would it take for you to part with them?
I will not take no for answer and you will be compensated for this inconvenience."
— Adinimus S'bna, High King of Tok


His speech is very eloquent but to the point. No matter what language he speaks, there is little-to-no present accent, and prides himself on his pronunciation. Should he need to treat with a new land that has a differing language, he is always sure to learn it to his best ability before opening any summits of a treaty.

Wealth & Financial State

Being High King of an entire continent, Adinimus has no need or want with the coffers quite literally at his disposal. He does not hoard this fortune, however, and gives a large portion of the taxes collected from the rich to give back to the community in the form of supplies, shelter, and food for those that need it.


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Dec 19, 2020 23:42

Long but enjoyable and gives a detailed view of a complex and influential character.

Dec 19, 2020 23:45 by Zeuk the Dungeon Master

Thank you so much! <3

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