Shield Spring Building / Landmark in DraKaise Battalion | World Anvil

Shield Spring

Plospryn's Fountain in Aegis

The Amber remnants glisten in the sun of the noonday.
  The light of yesteryears having stained the trapped clay.
  For her light has shone and sprouted the Brook, that feeds this city and shields us from harm.
  Take ye traveler another look. And see for it is her shield arm.
  The ancient stone glistens in the light of those stars.
  Their light of yesteryears Reminding us of the day.
  When not a warrior, she protects us from pain.
  Not of the flesh, but of the soul where we are maimed.
  The Amber remnants glisten in the sun of the noonday.
  The light of yesteryears having stained the trapped clay.
  And as the sun goes away, we hear her beseeching claim. For the shield that she bears will always remain.
— Songs of Aegis

  The Shield Spring is the spiritual, entertainment, and governmental center of the city of Aegis, and a massive tourist destination.

Purpose / Function

The initial buildings that surrounded the Aegis Spring are unknown, but were likely positioned as a meeting place between advancing Humans and the native Elves. The spring was certainly a focal point, with a small settlement that grew around it and was promptly named after the spring.   Afterwards, the first structures that have a solid record sprouted with the adoption of the site by religious Firbolg that flooded the area and established it as a true shrine to Plospryn, The Thaw of Spring. They came in the largest numbers ever recorded, with thousands of firbolg bringing megalithic stones and singing songs to the glory of Plospryn. Around the spring, they erected several concentric circles of massive stones to allow the spring various levels of privacy.   They also carved out the first of several great basins to allow for the filling and use of the area for ritual bathings in the sweet, clean water. These actions revived the settlement and grew it to a medium sized town that depended on the water.   After the destruction of Aegis in the Orcish Incursion, the spring was reforged into a central location for worship, community and communication with the leaders of the city. The first basin having been widened and expanded to 3 separate basins that provided everything from drinking water, to areas for ritual bathings, to waste deposits that drained into sewers carved into the caves and tunnels below the city.


The initial megalithic nature of the Shield Spring has remained unchanged over the ages. Only the relatively recent alterations of the destruction of many of the stones by forces in the Orcish Incursion have changed much of the structure. The once grand stones were largely reconstructed and fashioned into new amber structures that retain and protect the remaining pieces of the spring’s initial building.   Carved into the amber are countless names of the dead and stories that detail the truth’s known to the land and the city. With some of the inner structures carefully preserved and carved with official records to last into the far future.   These amber pillars stand in three massive concentric circles that spread over an area of 2000 feet with hundreds of pillars and cross-sections. Small stores and areas are situated in the third and smallest of the circles, near the basin carved for the sewage system.   The Second holds the two other basins for drinking water and ritual bathing.   The first is the largest, constructed as a massive amphitheater where plays and official meetings of the Flow and the Council are often held. In the center of this amphitheater is the source of the spring, a simple crystal that pours out an endless stream of waters that are divided into countless paths and filtered through the rest of the city.
Alternative Names
Aegis Spring
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Where are these quotes from?

  The Songs of Aegis is a hymnal written in the mid 1050s with many songs recounting the horrors of the Orcish Incursion, the steadfastness of faith, and the revival of the city.

Cover image: by HelHeim


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