Rimush Ukatnuu - Giant Swamp Alligator Species in Lyra | World Anvil

Rimush Ukatnuu - Giant Swamp Alligator

The Rimush Ukatnuu, the 15 feet long, scale armoured, 200-teeth stong alligator, is not the most savage inhabitant of the South Ridge Marches but it is by far the most dangerous - you cannot see it coming, you cannot hear it coming... and they travel in packs.
— Ahassunu, Elder Huntress

The Rimush Ukatnuu, is one of the most lethal and dangerous carnivorous apex predators in Thebia. It is know for the fact that despite of the fact that one of those creatures can easily take down any other creature in Thebia they tend to hunt in packs of five to seven alligators called "Venoms".

In most cases the Rimish Ukatnuu stay within the boundaries of the South Ridge Marches but when their population exceed a certain number they are know to travel northwards into the territories inhabited by the Nayan. When attacking north territories they destroy herds of animals and infect them with mutagenic bacteria living in their mouths causing cattle to go berserk and start biting othe cattle and humans

The Nayan hunters and particularly the Black Wolves of Naya regularly organize hunting parties that head into the March to control their population but also harvest their very valuable skin, which can be used the hardest lightweight armour, almost completely impervious to most slashing weapons. Nayan Hunters decorate their Battleform Armor and also commonly allowing a Rimush Ukatnuu to bite down on its arm in order to Proof it.

Basic Information


The Rimush Ukatnuu is the largest lizard in Thebia ( Giant Swamp Alligator). It can grow to become Up to 10 meters long and 2 meters wide. It's heavily armored thick and scaled skin is virtually impenetrable by most common slashing blades and it takes a significant amount of strength even for the sharper of spears to penetrate it. Potentially even more dangerous is the fact that their skin can perfectly imitate the environment around them, camouflaging them perfectly as they stalk their pray.

It's 200 teeh armed mouth has one of the strongest bites of any animal in Thebia and it is infested with mutagenic bacteria that are known to act similarily to a Seeding infection

Finaly, its four strong legs are used to "sprawl" and "high walk" in incredible speeds and explosive accelaration. each foot is armed with thick sharp claws that can evicerate most creatutes. The final weapon to this creatures arsnal is its tail. Strong and agile is able to whip enemies that date to approach from behind but more importantly it gives them incredible swimming speeds in the swamp and salt marshes they inhabit, allowing them to almost leap out of the water claws and teeth first to the unsuspected traveller.

Scientific Name
Crocodylus Omensis Mutalis
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
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Cover image: Unknown by Unknown Artist


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Jul 22, 2021 15:18 by Chris L

I have these living in my backyard. They're not so bad!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jul 22, 2021 17:59 by C. B. Ash

I love it! They sound so murderously adorable in a violent and carnivorous way! :D

Jul 23, 2021 15:05 by Avalon Arcana

I'm sorry, 200 teeth?! I think I'll be avoiding these guys, thanks. :)

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 23, 2021 18:35 by Time Bender

Well, that's terrifying! I never would want to see one of these. D:

Aug 7, 2021 07:17 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

There was no need to make alligator even more dangerous :p Love those muder machines :D   Do their victims manage to escape them often with only injuries so that the bacteria can take effect? I'm wondering if maybe letting one or a few escape could be a valid hunting strategy, to create a panic in a herd or if that would not be very successful...

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Aug 23, 2021 12:36 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Nope. Alligators are terrifying enough, but being able to make cattle and people go beserk with the bacteria in their mouths? Nope. And they travel in packs?! Double nope.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Aug 24, 2021 05:28 by Dimitris Havlidis

hahhahaha <3

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