Boggarts Species in Strange & Grim - OLD | World Anvil


  On the other end of the spectrum from the kind, nature-loving hobs are the boggarts. After the Dreaming exited the Prime, these sneaky creatures worked their way into human settlements and cities, initially surviving in the shadows, living off the scraps left by the local inhabitants. As time passed, each individual boggart adapted to fit where life was the easiest for them. In many cases, this was to maintain the reclusive life they had always led, raiding kitchens at night, or competing with dogs for scraps in the streets.
  Still others took a more active role among the humans around them - some became the literal bogey man, scaring children and stealing from households in the wee hours of the night. Others made themselves known and joined local thieves or beggars guilds. Still others, also coming out of hiding, became the secret, "invisible friend" to children or even, on very rare occasions, integrating into the family as something of a household mascot.
  Physical Description
  Boggarts are roughly the same size as hobs, standing between 2.5 and 3.5 feet tall. They often appear gaunt and underfed - typically weigh no more than 40 pounds. They have very long, sometimes droopy ears, no facial hair to speak of, and noses that are often sharp and pointed. Their hair is usually either dark browns or blacks, or completely stark white. A boggart's eyes are almost always large, round, and black - often appearing as too large for their face.
  Boggarts have no society of their own. They are an outcast race with no inherent ties to one another. On the occasion one boggart meets another, they are immediately suspicious and untrusting, rather than viewing it as an opportunity to visit with ones kin. Boggarts tend to be selfish and greedy, but will help out those with whom they hold a bond and trust.
  Boggarts will most often make themselves known to children. Many of the night time tales told to children about the boogeyman and other haunts stem from childhood encounters with boggarts living in their house or nearby.
  Alignment and Religion
  As opposed to hobs, boggarts cover the entire swath of alignments. Boggarts have adapted to a life in and around dwearh and human cities, so depending upon their life experiences and interactions, their alignments can vary greatly between individuals. While boggarts, left to their own devices, will do what is necessary to survive, many have adopted the variety of outlooks and paradigms of those they live around. It is not at all uncommon to find a good boggart, but, much like hobs, very few of even the good boggarts accept the idea of law.
  Boggarts have long ago abandoned the ways of the Seelie Court. They have no organized religion of their own, but for those who do follow a divine being or go, it is almost always one of the dwearh and human pantheons.
  Scavengers for Life
  Boggarts are very keen to simply take what they need to improve their current situation. As fey, they still - even after several hundred years - struggle with the idea of personal property. If a boggart needs a knife to cut a rope in order to open a door, he or she will steal the knife to cut the rope in order to break into the house. The same goes for food, clothing, and other personal belongings. Usually the only thing a boggart will collect are jewelry, gems, and magical items that clearly exude some sort of visible magical properties.
  Boggarts make great thieves and infiltrators. Assuming a boggart has made their presence known, they are often times happy to join in an expedition here or there for nothing more than the thrill of getting in and seeing what is new to explore (and take). While not all boggarts are roguish in nature, the overall opinion of the humans who know about them still paint them as little thieves who would steal the clothes off their own mother's backs given the opportunity.
  Boggarts Traits
  Ability Score Increase: You gain a +2 to your Constitution and a +1 to your Intelligence. Age: Boggarts, like Hobs, and other fey trapped on the Prime do not age. You can choose your age, but neither gain, nor are you hindered by your age.
  Size: Boggarts range in size from 2'5" to 3'5", and on average weigh around 40 pounds. Your size is small.
  Speed: Boggarts are not quite as quick-footed as their hob cousins. Your speed is 25 feet.
  Darkvision: Inherited from your fey progenitors, your superior vision in dark and dim conditions has persisted in the city environment in which you have lived. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  Fey Heritage: You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
  Tool Proficiency: You may choose proficiency with one of the following - alchemist's supplies, brewer's supplies, cobbler's tools, tinker's tools, or dice sets
  Languages: You speak common and may choose one additional language.


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