Flagship of the Fleet Vehicle in Wyrion | World Anvil

Flagship of the Fleet

"Four months we cut across an endless desert of blue dunes, shifting constantly under the sun, a mirage of sea. Four months we stared ceaselessly at a thin line separating blue from blue, hoping against hope for the absence of pirates. Four months we missed our family, but four months more I'd gladly take." - Marcolo Matei, Wide Blue Beyond 


Since the unification of the Litoric Islands, no factor has set that nation apart more than organisation. When the first High Admiral, Orso Nacatore, cut across the waves of the Hewn Sea, desperate to push back the Northern Tribes and feed his people, unity between the many islands was key. To combat the animosity and mistrust between the Islanders who had been separate for so long, their leaders were sworn to follow his flag wherever it went, as a condition for his fleet coming to their aid. With their agreement in tow, the sailors hoisted a hastily sown flag, and the first pride of the Litoric fleet led forth a great armada to save their people from terror.

The Flagship has been changed and refitted many times, the flag constructed less shoddily and flown more proudly, but the feeling evoked by the pride of the fleet has never changed. When she sails into the capital port, the hearts of many mothers, wives, and children are steadied. When she's spotted off the shore, fishermen and merchants cowering before pirates know that safety is soon at hand.

The Litoric Fleet's storied past started with the liberation and creation of their country, but it did not stop there. Led by the flagship, they have seen constant combat against pirates, as well as occasional skirmishes with their blustery rivals to the south . Today, they face a new threat. Creeping back from traders in contact with desert tribesmen far to the south east, stories are heard of great ships of war seen near their river deltas. Even the pirates, so long a threat to the Litoric Island's maritime trade have been appearing further west, closer to civilisation.

Whatever arrives upon Unknown Tides, the flagship, pride of Islanders everywhere, will stand fast against threats to their livelihood. But, mothers will continue to worry, wives to stay out late, watching the harbor, and children to not know their fathers. For while the life of the sailor is hard, the joy of coming home immeasurable, the sea, its mysteries, and the gods continue to call them far from home.

List of Flagships




Weapons & Armament

100 guns of various weights of shot.
With The Tide
Owning Organization
44 ft.
131 ft.
10 knots
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
1400 Tons


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