Brothers Trench

Burton & Ernie Trench are twin gnomes, son of Oscar and Wagena Trench, who grew up in the 'decommissioned district' of Clockworks City.   Living a life of poverty as their father worked as a scrap metal worker, Burton and Ernie always had a fascination with how things were built. Their father would bring home machines from his days work--machines, basic robots, radios, TV's, vehicles and more--just to give the boys a chance to take them apart and see how they worked.   It was something to keep the boys off the streets and out of the local gang interests.   Thousands of hours were spent in the family claimed warehouse (an abandoned structure they cleaned and fixed up), dismantling the treasures brought home by Oscar.   It was convenient that Wagena happened to be fuel monitor for Mobul Oil (More Of Big Useful Liquids). It allowed the family access to 'overflow' fuels, which they collected in semi-approved containers, to be brought back to the warehouse for testing of machines.   The lower district of Clockworks City had always been ruled by gangs--also known as 'Rats' (the cool, common name for a family of undesirables). Rats fight to maintain their territory, controlling aspects of the day to day functions of the region whenever possible. If nothing else, Rats provide an adventurous distraction from 'regular' life--which youth tend to gravitate towards.   To dismantle structures and move heavy metals, 'scrappers' use large mechanical robots called "SLAGs" (which stands for Strong, Lithe, Armored, Giants) to perform their labors. Burton and Ernie, with a desire to ease their fathers financial burden, modified their fathers SLAG using parts they'd salvaged and stored in the family warehouse.   Increased metal moved, meant more money for the family. At least that was the boys understanding.   The final result was a radio, compatible seating, increased strength and an extra set of cutting lasers.   Shocked but grateful, Oscar was able to increase his personal production, and in turn, brought home more goods for his boys. The family soon converted the warehouse into a small factory, the boys now calling themselves 'The Brothers Trench'.   Their specialty? Interchangeable attachments for their fathers SLAG.   Problem was, government officials decided to lay claim to the things they'd already disposed of and brought Burton and Ernie up on criminal charges. They were arrested and given a choice: plead guilty and accept community time under the direct supervision of Warden Hammon, or go to court--where their father would also be charged with company espionage and possible life in prison.   It was a frame-job, and everyone knew it.   The Brothers Trench accepted the terms and served five years in the youth facilities--modifying SLAGs under government contract, while designing something completely new on the side: Fighting SLAGs.


31 yrs


3' 9"






Wavy Dark Brown  


Burton is a stalky gnome with wide shoulders and extra large nose/ears. He wears a thick clip on his left ear and only shaves to prevent his thick stubble from becoming a fully realized beard.   Burton has the strength, stamina, and endurance of a gnome his age and build who engages in intense regular exercise--including lifting weights, which he gets form working with large pieces of metal.    


31 yrs


3' 7"




Dark Green




Ernie is a broad gnome with wide shoulders and extra large hands. He wears heavy mechanic overalls and always has a wrench handy somewhere on his person.   Ernie has the strength, stamina, and endurance of a gnome his age and build who engages in intense regular exercise--including lifting weights, which he gets form working with large pieces of metal.   Oh, and don't say anything mean about'll regret it.

Cover image: by Jaime Buckley


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Jan 3, 2021 00:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love their backstory (apart from the rather unjust ending). I always like when a fascination with something leads to new discoveries. :D

Jan 3, 2021 20:58 by Jaime Buckley

Well, keep in mind, Doc, that all things happen for a reason--and I'm not all too sure things are unjust when it truthfully works out in the end for the benefit for all!!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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