Thesselv Slaves Ethnicity in Ultima Thule | World Anvil

Thesselv Slaves

Those Thesselvs who fall foul of the law be it by criminal acts or financial ruin can end up as indentured slaves for the Empire, and due to the nature of these agreements, generations of Thesselvs can end up slaves. This hits the Thesselvs disproportionately hard due to their extended lifespan. Existence for a slave is truly miserable as the attached stigma is that you have clearly done something wrong in your life to deserve becoming a slave and as such they are seen as pariahs.   Where as Imperial Thesselvs enjoy all the privilege of being Imperial Citizens including the ability to hold any office in the Empire, own land and amass wealth. Thesselv Slaves are forbidden to do any of these things, in fact Slaves become property themselves and are forbidden from owning possessions. The very clothes they have on their backs are technically owned by their masters, it truly is a miserable life for them.   Thesselvs suffer more as previously said due to their long lives and hardiness, an Imperial Slave may know 20 to 30 years of slavery before death, a Thesselv could know hundreds of years under the cruel yoke of oppression. Some of the oldest Thesselvs Slaves are almost robotic in their functions having lost all personality through decades of beatings and being shunned socially by all.   Thesselvs who serve at least a century as a slave whom are then freed and show no signs of mental health problems are seen by their people as touched by the Gods and have a special place in Imperial society, unfortunately they are very few and far between as generally you are a slave for life.  

Typical Duties of a Thesselv Slave

  • A walking Book - Asked to memorize a book in its entirety for recall when needed.
  • Attendant - Being the personal attendant to a noble, everything from applying make-up to bathing them.
  • Squire - Assisting a Legionary by cleaning and servicing kit and cooking meals for them.
  • Computer - Processing large sums of money and figures using mathematical methods
  • Tavern Staff - Serving drinks and refreshments to patrons.


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Jul 4, 2018 12:13 by TJ Trewin

Damn, sounds like an incredibly tough life!

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Jul 4, 2018 13:25

The integration into how they operate within society is interesting

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