Shekinah | Thicket of Thorns


Sometimes assumed to be God's wife, Shekinah is actually an Aeon who watches over the Foundation from the outside and who is deeply connected to the Thicket of Thorns. It is said that they are attached to Eden and forever attached to the roots of the Thicket.   As they can never leave Eden, Shekinah only appears to those outside it through visions. Their voice echo through a telepathic bond. It seems this is easier while they try to reach someone in the Thicket.

Personality Characteristics


While aligned with The Host, it is hard to determine Shekinah's true intentions. Those of a conspiratorial leaning think that they're behind the spread of the Thicket. Others think that their position has corrupted them and they now reach out through the thorns to rid sanity and memories from all of creation. Not even the servitors she has created know for certain.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Flowing black entwined with the vegitation.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brown like bark, covered in green vines and flowers.
Aligned Organization


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