Jaroc | Thicket of Thorns

Jaroc of the Thorns

Once, Jaroc might have been human, or something similar, but by now most of that is lost. Almost all of him is wrapped in bandages, including his face, and his tattered clothes cover the rest. He is rarely encountered outside the Thicket of Thorns. While in there, he draws on the memories and abilities ripped from souls by the Thorns. The insights gleaned might give insight into terrible things, but they also bring power. Thus, it benefits him to lure creatures deeper so that they are ripped to shreds.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Jaroc is very intelligent and even more insightful. Trading knowledge is a way to get into his good graces. Showing any violence is a sure way to have the very Thicket around him punish you.

Personality Characteristics

Personality Quirks

Every movement is carefully calculated so as to not get hut by the Thorns himself. His rouch is delicate and able to caress the dangerous vines of the Thicket.
Current Location
2 m


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