Hiseffro Species in Thorns | World Anvil


The Land of the Dead often has a thick fog covering the ground. In some places, this fog is a form of spiritual vampire as you walk amongst these creatures, the seep into your brain and slowly eats away your mind. Every thought becomes harder than the previous, every conclusion more difficult to reach. Eventually, there is nothing left but a hollow shell wandering aimlessly.   The bleak nature of these creatures makes them avoid light whenever they can. Too much of it might drive them away or even be able to destroy them. If they don't destroy you first.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The hiseffro are drawn to the heat of a living body and the psychic field of an active mind. However, they don't seem to be able to see or hear in the traditional sense but rather lurk until someone is already in their midst.
Geographic Distribution


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