Hellhound |Thicket of Thorns


While not a kind of Demon per se, Hellhounds are vicious inhabitants of Inferno . They are more intelligent than animals but rely more on instinct than anything else. And that instinct is to sniff out sin and to rip their victims to pieces.

Basic Information


Hellhounds resemble very muscular hounds, nearly two metres to the shoulder. Their fur is like backend embers and here and there a fire seems visible beneath strands of flesh. Their eyes glow with flame and their breath stink of sulfur and smoke. Sometimes, more of their flesh or even skeleton is visible, but this seems to have no impact on their actual health.

Ecology and Habitats

Their natural habitat is that of the wilderness in Inferno, but some demons partially domesticate them and bring them along on missions. When they do, they make sure that they have a method of concealing the hound's actual appearance.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

On top of the sensory capabilities of any canine, Hellhounds are able to sniff out someone's character. Selfishness looks like a smoke signal to them. A tasty smoke signal.
30 years
Average Height
200 cm to the shoulder
Average Length
300 cm
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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