Bleakweather Settlement in The Web | World Anvil



Bleakweather is a small town in the Death Valley Oasis in California. After The Bomb detonated, it left most of the US west coast a wasteland. The region was quarantined and those that survived the mutated beasts, occult incursions, and the fallout of the bomb itself were left with no home and no hope for safety. As some banded together, they ventured out into Death Valley to escape and discovered an oasis, filled with fertile land.    

It Always Rains in Bleakweather

Bleakweather is not extravagant and lacks most luxuries like electricity. The buildings are thrown together with sheet metal and wood, oil and other flammable liquids are burned in lamps for light. Were it not for the O'chere weapons the residents use, it would be easy to confuse for a wild west boom-town.
Bleakweather earned its name from the near constant rainfall it expirienxes year round. The weather is an occult phenomenon with no discernable source, but provides the town with clean freshwater.

A World of Problems

Bleakweather is a den of vice. Prostitution, alcohol consumption as well as other drugs, and a crime rate that is so high, a random traveler had to be hired as a sheriff cause no one else would take the job.
Recent incursions of occult phenomenon have left the town in a difficult position as it is assaulted on all sides by 5 warring cults that seek to take the town to suit their various agendas. The fight for survival is fierce but with advanced weaponry, a favorable position, and a town of degeneratss just may prove enough, they just may succeed.
The Town of Bleakweather The first thing one sees about entering the limits of the town's influence is lush green fields of grass and trees on almost perfectly flat land. As one travels further down a dirt road they will come to a wooden sign with the words "welcome to Bleakweather" painted in white. The dirt road is the only unlevel land that can be found due to the constant traffic of horses and characters that move about the region. At this point it is not uncommon for one to spot a hunter or two traveling in search of game. It is also just as common to find some of the creatures the town is known for wandering around search of water. As you near the town, you will encounter a barber wire, electrified fence. The fence has an area of 6 by 6 miles and is powered by a large group of car batteries that have been wired in series and are routinely recharged by salvaged solar panels and homemade wind generators that make use of car alternators to gather the energy from the wind spinning the windmills and directs it to the batteries.     These fences are capable of delivering deadly doses of electricity capable of stopping ones heart in a matter of seconds. The fence is routinely kept up by the denizens of the town, who have stockpiles of resource is capable of repairing it.     If you can get past the guard house stationed at the gate along the road you will near the farmlad that surrounds the town itself.        

the farms

      Farmland surrounds the town on all sides for several miles even stretching past the fence on the Southside. Farm houses can often be seen within the confines of the fence and are usually inhabited by the family that owns the farm and maybe a few hands if there are any to be had. These Farms of the primary food source for the town itself and as such, owning Farmland usually gives 1 high status and position. There are many crops grown including potato corn wheat and hops. These are harvested and brought into town where they are sold and Bartered for.       Traveling one of these farm lands can be deadly as many do not take kindly strangers encroaching on their territory. The main reason for this is because some of the families that own and operate these Farms have resorted to nefarious means to get the upper hand on their competition. These methods include tainting crops with diseases were using dangerous pesticides. Most farmers will shoot anyone who Strays from the dirt road onto their land and therefore it is usually smarter to keep your feet firmly planted on the road itself.        

The Entrance

  when one finally reaches the confines of the town they will be met with yet another fence and another guard house that protects the outside perimeter of the Town proper. This fence is equally as deadly as the first. Guards routinely take shifts patrolling the area of the fence. They will shoot any you are not authorized to be there should they find them as their relationship with the surrounding Cults in the Death Valley has grown into a violent one.      

The Square

When you enter the town the road will inevitably take you to the town square where most trade occurs and we're all other areas of a town can be reached from. Farmers routinely come here to sell their products as well as scavengers who come from cities all over in hopes of selling and making a profit. This is also where the Bleak weather Saloon is located as well as Suzie's, a high-end Hotel the has been refitted and reused as a brothel. The area is almost always bustling with life even at the latest and earliest hours.  


Those who have scrap metal and various other valuable things they have scavenged can go to this small Homestead on the east side of town. Smoothie is a middle aged women who is particularly skilled at metallurgy and blacksmithing. She craft bullets weapons and various supplies needed by all those who live in the town      

The mint

    The only currency used in this particular area comes from a small Warehouse that has been refitted into a mint. Located right next to Smithy's, the warehouse produces approximately 3000 iron coins every year. These coins have the BW it has come to represent the town stamped on their front face. Many surviving settlements use similar methods to create a single method of currency, though there is very little in the way of true economic potential to them. Most individuals bring them to mates in exchange for various materials so that they can be melted down and repurposed into something else. This is a way of keeping inflation down as every town usually has their own mint. This acts as a form of currency exchange that continues keeping the mints working also making sure none of that iron is lost if it is needed. A single iron coin no matter where this from is worth the same as about 10 u.s. dollars. This figure is not meant to be considered fully accurate but is a close enough representation of how people in this region value iron.  

the town hall.

    The town hall is the largest building in the town and is big enough to hold all residents of the Town itself comfortably. Numerous times a month, meetings are called and votes are cast on a number of different subjects. Some towns in the region are dictatorships others are oligarchies but Bleak weather is a pure democracy, despite the fact that the farmers tend to be the most influential and use disadvantage to sway others to vote their way. The only individual who possesses more power than the farmers would be Susie who owns and operates the brothel.    


The brothel is a high-class hotel that was built shortly after the Oasis appeared. It closed down after the bomb detonated and many who come to Bleak weather come here. Originally it was not intended to be a brothel but rather ended up being a location where women tended to isolate themselves away from the lawlessness of the town. Based on a series of votes and calculated Maneuvers on the part of Susie, the hotel eventually opened its doors in the town of Bleak weather was built around the hotel itself. The women who work here are not forced into prostitution, many of the women who did not want to open it as a brothel instead work in housekeeping as well protection for those who do. Any woman who comes to Susie's seeking work will find it regardless of what it is they are searching for.     It should also be said that Susie is usually considered the most wealthy person in the town, producing her own coins out of cover that are worth significantly more than the iron coins found around the region. These coins can grant one significant benefits upon turning them in. Susie routinely offers work to those who walk through her doors from hunting creatures on the outside of town to acquisition of payment from customers who refused. Susie's has become center of civilization in the region, and you are not considered well-traveled until you have been there.  

vip: suzie

Susie has a complicated history, she was born Layla kasserman and was originally high-ranking member of one of the five cults. The Cult of the red haired Maiden had recently went through a schism and she decided she wanted no part of either side the organization. The woman has numerous abilities at her disposal should she encounter someone particularly difficult to remove. Despite the fact that most people know of her abilities and her history, she often doesn't display it without legitimate reason and most people who meet her for the first time wouldn't even know.        

scrap yards

      What many people would refer to as the residential district of the town, the scrap yards are a series of plots of land with small buildings that continuously build up and grow as those who live on these plots of land gained access to the materials require to build their homes. The mismatched homes and Shacks that exist on the land are not exactly easy on the eyes but none the less show the Ingenuity of the people who live here. Helping one another especially if it's for a particular gain is common in the town and many individuals sell their knowledge as well as their physical resources. Knowing how to patch a wall or build the frame of a house can you read one enormous profit and can grant one even more if they offer to do it themselves instead of teaching. Scrap yards are often considered the most dangerous place in the town due to an increase in crime rate. Ceftin murder are common in the scrap yards though very few ever get away with it.      

Sheriff office

  the Sheriff's Office since just at the entrance of the scrap yards in square most law enforcement operates out of. The laws here are a lot more clear and less open to interpretation then the laws outside of the region, and the penalty for breaking any of them is always death. There are no trials and there are no juries but one cannot simply accuse somebody without proper evidence last day would be breaking a law themselves. They're only 10 officers that work in the office and it is often very difficult for them to handle the town ranging in population from 3 to 700, not counting the hundreds of Travelers who passed through on a weekly basis.

Cover image: by thorsten denk


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Jul 30, 2019 02:38 by Jimmy Shrekson

So about the weather of Bleakweather: always raining like how it's "always raining" in the UK or have we really gotta make an MTF Unit for an infinite shower?

Jul 30, 2019 03:03 by R. Dylon Elder

Uk kind of thing butttt it is always cloudy. I'll be sure to make that more clear XD this article was very much so just thrown together. have yet to fully edit it. lol thanks for the like my friend!

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