Wilkas Cromokal Character in Tairos | World Anvil

Wilkas Cromokal

They're not paying me enough for this - Wilkas Cromokal
    Wilkas is an elderly gnome, by gnomish standards, who's lived his whole life in the city of Ghal Pelor. He was among the first of the gnomish refugees brought to Ghal Pelor to escape The Autumn Queen's purge, having barely been an adolescents at the time of the disaster. Wilkas' parents, like all gnomish adults at the time, stayed behind to buy time for their children to escape to safety. He didn't make this journey alone though, in addition to the thousands of other gnome children evacuating in the wake of the fae advance he also traveled with his younger sister Gamameana.   While his sister integrated into Ghal Pelor society well, becoming an engineer and eventually an instructor in the city's college, Wilkas was aimless and often fell in the wrong crowd. It would begin his long life as hired muscle, a sell sword, and petty criminal. As age slowly began catching up with him, he steadily took softer and softer jobs such as simple guard duty offerings.   His latest job would be protecting a small caravan hauling Ackley Ales's products back to Ghal Pelor. He would nearly lose his life to a goblin named Mizzixs and his Torment Singer Wasp but would be saved with little time to spare thanks to Tea Kettle's quick actions.   Horik Hamfist (aka Wolftooth) was able to negotiate with the caravan's leader to get safer permanent employment for Wilkas, a kind deed that Horik has kept to himself so far.
Current Status
Working security for Daghilla at her new tavern
Current Location

Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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