Minotaur Species in Stadupglod | World Anvil
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We were taken to his village, deep inside the oldroads, miles and miles from the city. There were only maybe fifty minotaurs living among the broken stones, thin leather tepees, and scattered cook-fires. They were kind and skilled with medicine. The food was excellent as well, but we had not eaten in so long, I am sure anything would have tasted good.   --2nd of Bronze, Year 15

Civilization and Culture


The Minotaur are one of the three races that are restricted from entering the The City of Stadupglod, though many minotaurs have been granted special permission to live and work in the city, usually as champions in The Obelisk or as part of a mercenary company. Their culture is extremely secretive, with even most minotaur unaware of the rituals and ranks within the widespread clans that exist in The Oldroads. Minotaur are the masters of runecraft, the ancient magic of the material realm that is strictly controlled by the Forge Council and the Quenmithal. Some minotaur shamans have even created runes that can be drawn in realms beyond the material, and have succeeded in traveling to those other realms, an act strictly forbidden within the city. Some minotaurs worship the celestial Jaikad, the secret keeper, in a religion called the Cult of Omens that has vowed to turn all knowledge into secrets through violence and destruction. Minotaur are split into two subraces: Auroch and Labrynthain.   Auroch- The ex-immortals. Bigger, tougher, with dark coarse hair of one color covering their bodies and longer horns than Labrynthain minotaurs. They are usually the chiefs of their clans, the second in command in mercenary companies, or in the champions circle in the Obelisk. They can enter into a drug induced combat state that allows them even greater martial prowess. Not many Aurochs live freely in Stadupglod, as they are seen as too violent and unstable to be allowed to rome without chains. Many are forced to serve as bodyguards for the rich and powerful, though their loyalty is a hard thing to gain.   Labrynthian- The mortal-born Minotaur. They are small, with shorter horns and coats that are mottled or speckled with dark colors and white. They are generally the diplomats and shamans within their clans, less inclined to positions of leadership, with some choosing to leave their clans entirely and become scholars within Stadupglod’s university, the Cogni Agum, with approval from the Forge Council. They are incredible navigators and have excellent memories, many serving as the navigators for adventure companies that explore the depths of the Oldroads. Some have even become famous for leading their own expeditions into the Oldroads and finding great treasures left over from the immortal era.
Minotaur Traits:   Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2.   Speed: Your base speed is 30 feet.   Horns: You are never unarmed. You are proficient with your horns, which are a melee weapon that deals 1d8 + your Strength modifier piercing damage.   Goring Rush: When you use the Dash action during your turn, you can make a melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.   Languages: Common and Taurian   Labrynthian:   Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 1.   Born of the Maze: You are never lost except for the effect of a spell. You have advantage against magic of this sort.   Darkvision: Accustomed to life in a maze, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Additional Language: You can also read, write and speak Gnomish.   Hardy: You gain proficiency in Athletics.     Aurochs:   Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Toughness: Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.   Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   Relentless: As a bonus action you may restore hit points equal to 1d10 + your level, you may not use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
150 - 250 Cycles
Average Height
Auroch: from just under 7 feet to just over 8 feet Labrynthain: from over 6 feet to 7 and a half feet
Average Weight
Auroch: 300 - 400 pounds Labrynthain: 280 - 350 pounds

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