Kol Material in Stadupglod | World Anvil
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I saw the kol shacks in the distance long after I could smell them. The wind carried with it a sent of shit, rot, and disease that spread for miles down the Lowway. As we approached, I saw little shapes on the ground, like green rocks. To my horror, they turned out to be goblin infants lying dead around the shacks where their parents had dropped them to go feed their dwarf-given affliction.   And this is the state of the world.   --8th of Mercury, Year 40


Material Characteristics

Before it is dried, it appears to be thick tar that is black or deep green in color.   Once dried it resembles a black powder

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mostly inert, though will glow when in the presence of chaos runes.

Geology & Geography

Scrapped from the sides of the iron cauldrons used manufacture Blaeska

Origin & Source

If Aether and Goblin blood is boiled in an iron cauldron over fire runes, Blaeska is created. On the insides of the cauldron, kol forms.

Life & Expiration

Does not lose potency.

History & Usage


Kol was discovered along side Bleaska by a dwarven mining researcher looking for a powerful explosive that could be made with the resources available in The Planet Dwan. It was then discovered that Kol could be used as a powerful stimulant by the pillar races, but had the most pronounced effect on goblins, even turning them piezoelectricly explosive in nature and highly suggestive.   It was then used by the The Pelgar Group to create living bombs out of kol addicted goblins, called "fodder goblins", and use them to continue the Great Lowway Project.


Discovered by a dwarven mining researcher working for the Pelgar Group, named Sassa, daughter of Iron, while looking for new a new explosive that could be made from the materials available on The Planet Dwan.

Everyday use

Created in great quantities in the trillage at the face of the Lowway, fifty miles from The City of Stadupglod down the huge tunnel. Goblins are paid "goblin bucks", a currency minted by the pelgar group for use in the goblin camps, to consume kol every day until they are taken to the goblin range, strapped with bleaska, and launched at the face of the immense tunnel to blast away large parts of stone and material.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Within the goblin camps, kol is called "work", as goblins who do it earn a wage. There are often contests among the fodder goblins to see who can do the most "work" in a day.

Industrial Use

Must be scrapped off the iron cauldrons used to create bleaska and dried.


During the bleaska making process, it releases smoke that over time can cause blindness, muteness, lung failure, and psychosis.   Long term use of Kol can cause a necrosis of the sinuses, cancer, and seizures. In goblins, they become explosive.


Trade & Market

In the city, it is sold illegally to addicts and terrorist organizations seeking to create fodder goblins within the city.

Law & Regulation

Forbidden within the city and only legal in the lowway in certain places.
Gram in Stadupglod- 2cp
Faintly smells like rotten meat
Horrendously bitter and rotten
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State
Black Powder

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Cover image: by Homebrewery


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Sep 19, 2018 18:28

This is so cool! Wish I had your creativity!

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