Summer Camp 2023 in Ruartei | World Anvil

Summer Camp 2023



I will do at least 8 prompts to achieve the Bronze badge during July 2023 to improve my world of Ruarei.

I'm participating in Camp Chill.

Theme: Power

Power — who has it, who doesn't, and the relative amount — affects nearly every interaction and transaction in the Grand Society.

For individuals, the Grand Society and much of Ruartei is class-based with three types of classifications (referred to as stratum in formal academic texts and legal documents): social status, standing, and station.
Social status is primarily determined by birth (or family) but may be changed by adoption, marriage, petition, grant, or declaration. In most interactions, social status is the most important and usually the most readily apparent. But social status can be situational. For example, while a member of one of the Grand Houses from the old Imperium may have an extraordinary high status at Court, they would be wise to avoid treating the leader of one of the minor planets poorly — at least, while visiting that planet.
Standing is determined by profession, expertise, reputation, and so forth. In some cases, standing supercedes birth status. For example, military and high-ranking leadership positions, and — most especially — Sancus professionals. Even those with the highest social status pause, listening respectfully, when Sancus talks.
Station determines the level of freedom an individual has within the Grand Society and can overlap the other stratum in critical ways. It's basically a spectrum of freedom, ranging from unfree to free with many differing levels, obligations, and even durations. Certain social status groups are more likely to be free or unfree, but there is often crossover — especially for the bonded, pledged or oath-bound, and employed.
For groups, power is even more complicated than for individuals. There is no clearly defined set of classifications — and relative power ebbs and flows constantly. Well, with a few exceptions — notably Sancus, Artala, and the Nay'air'eth.
A group's power is dependent on numerous factors, such as the power of its leaders, its wealth, its control or access over important resources (including information), its military prowess, its physical location, its historical standing, its reputation, and its alliances and rivalries.
Groups may be formally or informally organized, or may simply be those who belong to a species, ethnic group, political following, etc. Some groups exist solely as part of the Grand Society, Others within the geographical boundaries of Ruartei or the Fringe, but outside the protection of the Grand Society. The more powerful groups often operate within all of Ruartei, but base themselves within the Grand Society.
Sancus, one of the oldest interstellar civilizations in Ruartei, is perhaps the most powerful group in Ruartei. They enforce contracts and treaties, provide highly skilled professionals in commerce and negotiations. And continue to manage the most diverse, yet private, marketplace in all of Ruartei. Anything may be purchased or sold there.
Artala, an even older civilization, possesses the most advanced and powerful military in all of Ruartei. But due to their secretive nature, capricious actions, and long-established attitudes, they are generally regarded with disdain, suspicion, and sometimes outright hatred.

Theme: Frontier

Ruartei is approximately 250 parsecs in diameter, measured from the center of the Grand Society. The Grand Society itself extends only about 95 parsecs (radius) from its center. The area from this point to the edge of Ruartei is called The Fringe. (Note: Earth is approximately 125 parsecs from the outer edge of Ruartei.)

Within the boundaries of the Grand Society (which has 525 member worlds), there are an estimated 3000 known, but non-member, worlds with significant populations. In addition, there are likely tens of thousands of unexplored worlds who either have insignificant populations or have not yet acquired interstellar travel.
The Fringe is considered an lawless area where pirates and other disreputable individuals and groups consider their home.
The lost sites with advanced technology and other information and relics from the times before The Rebuilding could be considered a frontier.
Another "frontier" within Ruartei are the Dimensions. Ruartei has an unusually high number of dimensional portals and, unknown to most of its denizens, is a desirable destination for numen, dimensional beings which can crossover and exist in non-native dimentions. A small percentage of Ruartei denizens are aware of this and, along with some numen from friendly dimensions, battle to keep the unfriendly and dangerous numen out.

Theme: Relics

Ruartei has a number of ages since beginning of the Juridicial Calendar which marks its start at the Great Star Storm. These ages are: The Exploration Age, the Imperialist Age, The Rebuilding, and the current age of the Grand Society (which is marked from the Grand Bargain).

One of the relics is the base 60 numbering system, based on 12 consonants and 5 vowels, of the ancients. Although not used by any (known) currently living beings in Ruatei, it is used in a number of odd situations. For example, space stations have 12 spokes which are referred to by the 12 consonants. And the most apparent example is the sport of Phaseball, which has 60 possible phases in each game — each phase named by one of the 60 numbers.
Another potential set of relics are the lost regalia of the Five Crowns from the old Imperial Court. While the current Court harkens back to the Imperial Court, it is different — the original Grand Houses of the Princes and Princesses of the Frive Crowns have little or no power. There is an active search for the lost regalia by those who would like to restore the Imperial Monarchy.

Theme: Communication

Communication is at the heart of the Grand Society and determines a great deal who has power in Ruartei.

There are two major types of (logistical) communication: real-time and delayed. Real-time communication is available within star systems which have both a portal (a data-energy wormhole) and a nearby space station (with the portal communication technology).
Delayed communication is handled via fast FTL courier starships.
Communication intended for a star system without a working portal will be transmitted to the nearest portal and then relayed via a courier starship.
Note that the communication network is established for any interstellar world that joins it, not just for the member worlds of the Grand Society.
Most Ruartei worlds posses their own language(s). In a few cases, especially among the higher classes of the Grand Society, they speak a common language — the native tongue of the Imperial Court.
Denizens of Ruartei generally learn the common language (this is facilitated by the social media and broadcast networks) as well as their own. While there is certainly technology to assist with translation, humanoid translators are highly desired. (There is some distrust, especially among the upper classes, for types of technology that appear closely related to the technology that produced arti-life.)


Note: For anyone who is curious, I use custom articles so the second term (e.g. polis in settlement/polis) is the name of my custom article.


Copper Prompts Revealed

Prompt 1: [organization/orgpolity]
A powerful organization
The Caelum
Org, Polity | Dec 13, 2023
Prompt 2: [settlement/polis]
A seat of power (of any kind!)
Prompt 3: [material/commodity]
A resource that provides fuel or power
Commodity | Dec 13, 2023
Prompt 4: [species/lifeform]
An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power

Prompt 5: [ethnicity/culture]
A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation
Culture | Dec 13, 2023
Prompt 6: [military conflict/ conflict]
A conflict between two unequal powers in your world
Invasion of the Surnay
Conflict | Mar 12, 2024
Prompt 7: [title/position]
The title & responsibilities of an important person in your world
Grand Monarch
Position | Jan 23, 2024
Prompt 8: [natural law/variance]
A destructive natural or supernatural element
The Great Star Storm
Variance | Jan 29, 2024


Silver Prompts Revealed

Prompt 11: [geography]
An unclaimed, unregulated, or lawless region in your setting
Prompt 12: [settlement]
A settlement at the limits of the “known” or “civilized” world
Prompt 13: [profession]
A job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places
Prompt 14: [species]
An animal found in a non-populated area

Prompt 15: [species]
A useful plant found in a wild area of your world
Prompt 16: [material]
A material or natural resource that comes from a dangerous location
Commodity | Dec 13, 2023
Prompt 17: [character]
A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore
Prompt 18: [tradition]
A cuisine from a sparse, barren, or remote region in your world


Gold Prompts Revealed
Prompt 21: [tradition]
A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned
Prompt 22: [item]
An item of great cultural or religious significance to a people in your world
Prompt 23: [settlement]
An ancient city that is still inhabited today
Polis | Feb 24, 2024
Prompt 24: [character]
A historical figure still venerated today, and why

Prompt 25: [profession]
A profession that has been rendered obsolete
Article TBD
Prompt 26 [myth]:
A children’s tale or song based on a real event
Article TBD
Prompt 7: [species]
A species now considered extinct
Article TBD
Prompt 8: [ethnicity]
A historical culture whose influence is still felt today
Article TBD


Diamond Prompts Revealed
Prompt 31: [vehicle/transport]
A method used to carry goods over long distances
Freighter Starship
Transport | Dec 13, 2023
Prompt 32: [technology]
A system to send messages between distant places
Interstellar Communication
Engineering | Jan 11, 2024
Prompt 33: [language]
A form of silent communication
Prompt 34: [organization]
An organization for which recruiting or proselytizing is important

Prompt 35: [species/lifeform]
A species with an unusual form of communication
Article TBD
Prompt 36: [character]
A character who excels in manipulating others through communication
Prompt 37: [document]
An important public announcement that one person addressed to many
Prompt 38: [building]
A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication
Portal | Dec 13, 2023


Prompt 9: [lifeform/species]
A species known for its mischievous personality
Prompt 10: [tradition/custom]
A popular summer tradition that involves art and creativity
Prompt 19:[building]
An iconic building or landmark representing a location
The Court
Site | Feb 24, 2024
Prompt 20: [document/record]
A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world

Prompt 29: [tradition]
A ceremony that represents a transition or transfer
Prompt 30: [natural law]
A rare natural phenomenon that most people look forward to
Prompt 39: [character/personage]
A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows
Prompt 40: [condition/malady]
A “negative” condition that has hidden advantages

Cover image: Summer Camp 2023 by Tulonsae using MidjourneyAI


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Jun 25, 2023 05:10

Bronze! You have many buddies and the support of the rest of the community. You already have so many ideas, including the relic number system, which sounds cool. I do love sci-fi universes that others create.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Jun 27, 2023 03:16 by Joella Kay


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