Rifract Species in Pulse | World Anvil


  • These creatures somewhat resemble small to medium-sized rodents with what appear to be mineral growths embedded in their hide.
  • They bite with sharp front teeth, and scurry through tunnels rather quickly.
  • Their fur is usually dark, a color that blends with their tunnel environment, but the mineral structures will catch light. If they are still, they may be mistaken for surrounding minerals, but when they move they can be detected by this reflected light.
  • They are sometimes difficult to combat, because their hide will deflect all but precise melee blows, though they are not hardy. The most trouble a competent Seeker faces is blunting their blade against the hard parts of the exterior.
  • Their fast movements make precise blows difficult.
  • They are seen as more of an annoyance than a threat to all but Initiate Seekers.
  • The older member appear to develop more hardened growths, though this is eventually discovered to be the result of absorbing the vitality of dead Seekers.
  • A mage will face additional difficulty when facing these creatures, because the hardened surfaces along their hide will refract Vira energy. Given that they are small, and precision is difficult with magic, they are more trouble than they are worth for a mage to hunt them.
  • Genetic Ancestor(s)


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