Prime Imperium Organization in Prime | World Anvil

Prime Imperium


The Emperor Prime is the sovereign ruler of the Prime Imperium. Military officials carry out his will and barons rule over small pieces of his land.

Public Agenda

To unite Prime under a single banner against the forces of darkness.


The Imperium has an almost unlimited supply of gold and valuables from the dwarves of Hammerdawn.


In the years following the Great Silencing, Kandalur became disjointed and known as the Shattered Kingdoms. During this time of trouble, the Kingdom of Alheim entered a golden age after forging an alliance with the newly returned dwarves of Hammerdawn. Not long after, something significant happened within the kingdom. Details are sparse but it became known as the Enlightening. The King stepped aside and elected another as the Emperor Prime and the Prime Imperium was born.
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories


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