Barakas Character in Prime | World Anvil


Barakas (a.k.a. Dread)

The Turathi overlord of the Rising Fall is out for revenge and blood.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Barakas who became Dread.   After the war, Barakas renounced the Rising Fall, an evil faction that he helped create. He was ready to forgive humanity after meeting the love of his life, Nikal Alera. The two restored an abandoned keep and lived in peace for years.   One night, King Blackstone's assassins broke in. They sought out the last remaining leader of the Rising Fall, whom they thought to be Barakas.   Left for dead, Barakas awoke days later. Nikal was gone. Their home, torn apart. For days, he wept. Then came anger. Hatred.   Barakas forgot his birth-name, becoming Dread. He resurrected the Rising Fall and has vowed to end the Blackstone lineage.
"Your world and everything in it will join Nikal in the grave."
Year of Death
307 AN
Circumstances of Death
A group of heroes killed the Dread in the Astian Palace after a glorious battle in the throne room.

Character Portrait image: Arishok by enrychan
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