Inquisitorial Ordainment Tradition / Ritual in Numidius | World Anvil

Inquisitorial Ordainment

An unordained inquisitor or a venator must undergo a special ceremony to become ordained.
This ceremony may be repeated up to three total times if necessary, but no more.


The aspirant inquisitor undresses, covered by only a loincloth. Then, they cover themselves with an oily ointment and stands in a tub full of holy water.
Finally, the aspirant stands in a glass cell during the midday sun, enough to get sunburned. Immediately after leaving the cell, while standing in a zone of truth, the aspirant needs to read from a text they never read before. If the aspirant can still read, that means they squinted too much and haven't fully embraced the light, and they must undergo the ceremony another time.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572


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