Auri Q-VII Vehicle in Numidius | World Anvil

Auri Q-VII

The Auri Q-VII is a "Flagship" class, quad-horse carriage manufactured by Auri. It is considered one of the best performing heavy duties vehicle and its wagon is custom built and equipped per Auri's customers specifications.


The Auri Q-VII is equipped with an Aocto Spider Soul Engine, allowing it to double the carrying capacity of two mature horses.

Weapons & Armament

The Auri Q-VII is equipped with a roof mounted auto loading heavy crossbow. Anti Magical Plating can be mounted on the back and sides, trading convince and view for almost complete flanking protection.

Armor and defense

The Auri Q-VII is certified with "IP68 Armor" by the Cargo Safety Council for withstanding a direct fireball attack and successful movement in difficult and muddied terrain.

Communication Tools & Systems

Every R8 is equipped with a Communication Pedestal that will fit most Sending Stones and allows for several repeated uses.
Current Date: 2nd of Latsum, 1572
15000 gp
12 ft.
8 ft.
1000 lb
20 mph (4 Horses) / 30 mph (Magical Aid)
Complement / Crew
A personal butler to serve as driver and maintenance.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
6-8 passengers and their personal cargo alongside 300 lb of additional cargo.


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